
Earlier this year, we asked for feedback on the potential future upgrade to Craigieburn Road East. Feedback has helped us understand how people are currently using Craigieburn Road East as well as views on access, efficiency, safety and what’s important in the local area.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback via our online survey, interactive map, or at our pop-up community sessions.


online surveys completed


people reached by social media advertising


map pins placed on the interactive map


flyers and letters were mailed to the community


Pop-up community information sessions held, where we talked to 137 community members

What we heard

These quotes from survey and interactive map feedback, highlight common themes expressed by respondents.

Key themes

  • 99% of respondents would like additional lanes added along Craigieburn Road East
  • 95% of respondents live in the local area
  • 87% of respondents drive along Craigieburn Road East daily
  • 88% of respondents have concerns regarding the current road. The top 3 issues identified were:
    • congestion - 72%
    • bottlenecks at key locations - 60%
    • traffic flow - 59%
  • 57% of respondents rated traffic flow along Craigieburn Road East as poor or very poor, 34% as fair and only 9% rating traffic flow as good or very good
  • 52% of respondents feel unsafe or very unsafe driving along Craigieburn Road East, 39% feel neutral and 37% feel safe
  • Respondents rated the performance of key intersections at Jardin Road, Gurrong Avenue, Edgars Road, Koukoura Road, Highpark Drive and Equestria Road as poor and needing improvements
  • 53% of respondents currently walk or cycle in the local area, of these only 50% enjoy walking and cycling in the local area. Reasons provided included:
    • insufficient lighting
    • lack of road crossings
    • safety concerns
    • unable to access other paths/missing links
  • 82% of respondents would like a separate walking/cycling path to be built alongside Craigieburn Road East.

Planning timeline

What's next

Feedback is being used to inform our planning and shape the development of potential design options. We will continue to provide the community
with updates and information as planning progresses.
