VIDA Procurement Activity Plan
The VGPB's Governance Policy requires that Victorian Government departments publish a summary of procurement activities planned to be conducted over the forthcoming 12 to 18 months.
Forward Procurement Activity Plan
The forward procurement activity plan provides a high-level summary of potential procurement opportunities over the coming period. This plan will be reviewed annually and therefore it should be noted that it is an estimate of activity at a given point in time, and may be subject to change.
Procurement Activity Plan 2022–2024 (XLSX, 70.9 KB)
The aim of the plan is to provide potential suppliers with an overview of the types of procurement activities (goods and services only) that the Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA) may undertake over this period. The plan will be updated from time to time to reflect other planned procurement activities.
VIDA also purchases a wide range of other goods and services which are not necessarily listed in the Procurement Activity Plan as they are purchased in accordance with government policy from existing whole of government State Purchase Contracts – refer to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board - State Purchase Contracts.
All planned procurement activities are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in this Procurement Activity Plan is provided for planning purposes only and it does not present a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by the Government to purchase the described goods or services.