Commitment to child safety
All children and young people have the right to feel and be safe.
Keeping children safe from harm is everyone’s responsibility.
The Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA) is committed to providing a child safe environment where children are safe and feel safe.
VIDA is committed to child safety by:
- supporting and respecting children
- having zero tolerance of child abuse, and treating all allegations and safety concerns seriously and consistently with policies and procedures
- preventing child abuse and identifying risks early and removing or mitigating these risks
- having human resources and recruitment practices to reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing staff
- committing to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability
Reportable incidents
VIDA considers conduct or incidents to be reportable to VIDA if they involve allegations against VIDA employees, consultants, contractors or volunteers of child abuse and misconduct involving children. A child is a person under the age of 18.
Child abuse means:
- a sexual offence committed against a child
- an offence committed against a child under section 49M (1) of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic), such as grooming
- physical violence against a child
- causing serious emotional or psychological harm to a child
- serious neglect of a child.
Harm is damage to the health, safety or wellbeing of a child or young person, including as a result of child abuse by adults or the conduct of other children. It includes physical, emotional, sexual and psychological harm. Harm can arise from a single act or event and can also be cumulative, that is, arising as a result of a series of acts or events over a period of time.
How to report allegations of a reportable incident
If there is a serious concern for the immediate safety of a child, call 000.
Any allegations of criminal conduct must be reported to Victoria Police as the first priority.
Where the allegation of a reportable incident or complaint involves VIDA staff, any suspicion of misconduct must be reported to the Integrity and Ethical Behaviour branch of the Department of Transport and Planning.
By telephone
Manager, Ethical Behaviour
Department of Transport and Planning
0448 919 825