Community and stakeholder liaison groups are an important way we connect with the community around Victoria’s Big Build projects.

About the groups

Our community liaison groups are advisory groups made up of people with an interest in a project.

Members might include local residents, traders, sports clubs, schools, community groups and associations, disability representatives, and business and council representatives.

The liaison groups meet regularly with our staff and contractor representatives during the project.

Role of the groups

The terms of reference of each group vary, but generally the groups:

  • provide local perspectives and knowledge
  • provide advice on local impacts and community concerns
  • help ensure we maximise the benefits of the project to the community
  • share project information and updates with the local community.

Appointment of representatives

Representatives are appointed through an application process. We aim to select representatives with strong ties to the community, from a range of backgrounds.

To be notified when a new liaison group is being set up in your area, sign up for email updates on our projects.

When a new liaison group is announced, we’ll provide the terms of reference for the group, plus the criteria that applicants are assessed against.