1 October 2016

Summer construction blitz – boom gates to go

Last month the Victorian Government announced the dates for the summer closure of the Belgrave-Lilydale rail line to remove the Heatherdale level crossing.

We have been working hard to prepare the site so we can lower the tracks, remove the boom gates and finish the build on the brand new Heatherdale Station.

Buses will replace trains between Box Hill/Blackburn and Ringwood stations for 34 days from Tuesday 27 December 2016, until the line reopens on Wednesday 30 January 2017. Up to 800 will work on the Blackburn Road and Heatherdale Road sites, to lower the rail line.

This huge construction effort will have an impact on the road network with road closures expected during this time, allowing construction crews to safely and rapidly remove the Heatherdale Road level crossing. Road closures are subject to confirmation and will be updated in future newsletters and letters to directly impacted businesses and residents.

People who may be significantly affected by the works will also be contacted in advance.

Removing 50 dangerous and congested level crossings will transform the way people live, work and travel across metropolitan Melbourne and improve safety for drivers and pedestrians.

What's next?

Over the next few months you will see:

  • installation of underground services from EastLink to Ringwood continuing
  • construction of walking and cycling path from Brunswick Road to Heatherdale Road
  • work continuing on the Cochrane Street bridge
  • erection of fencing along the rail line
  • steel erection for station concourse, canopies, ramps, platforms
  • fitting of station lift cars
  • building of the retaining wall on the south side of the station.

November community information session

With major construction coming up we understand the community may have questions about impacts and disruptions. We will be hosting a drop-in community session from 9.30am to 12.30pm Saturday 12 November at the NADRASCA Community Centre located at 8 Witt Street, Mitcham.

Drop by to ask any questions and speak to members of the project team.

The new station has arrived

September was a busy month. Over the weekend closure of the Belgrave/Lilydale rail line, the new Heatherdale Station was delivered to its new home on the east side of Heatherdale Road.

The station buildings were constructed offsite in a local factory in Kilsyth and loaded onto trucks to be craned in onsite. Building off site meant work could occur during the wet winter months and ensures we are able to open these new stations to the public at the end of summer.

Approximately 3000 hours were worked over a 2 month period to build the station buildings, with the aim to have it 90% complete in anticipation of major summer works.

Scheduled November weekend works

Friday 25 November to Monday 28 November

From 8pm Friday 25 November until 5am Monday 28 November we will be working around the clock to prepare the site for our major works over summer.

During this weekend we will be:

  • relocating the overhead power lines on Heatherdale Road
  • fitting new overhead structures in the rail corridor
  • installing cable and commissioning underground rail services from EastLink bridge all the way to Ringwood Station.

Changes to the way you travel

Friday 25 November to Sunday 27 November 2016 – buses will replace trains between Box Hill and Belgrave/Lilydale from 8pm Friday 25 November to Sunday 27 November as works continue on the Bayswater and Blackburn/Heatherdale Level Crossing Removal Projects.

Friday 4 November to Sunday 11 December 2016 – buses will also replace trains between Ringwood and Belgrave from 8pm Friday 4 November until Sunday 11 December while work is carried out on the Bayswater Level Crossing Removal Project.