24 May 2022
The following report outlines community feedback following extensive consultation on updated designs, streetscape design options, and the new station name.
In June 2021, the Level Crossing Removal Project released updated designs for the new station and station precinct as part of the level crossing removals on Union Road, Surrey Hills and Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert.
The updated designs reflect feedback from extensive consultation carried out between December 2020 and February 2021, in the initial consultation report.
Following the release of the updated designs, another consultation ran through June, July and August 2021. We asked the community to share their ideas and feedback on various aspects of the project, including:
- Lorne Parade Reserve layout and play area
- location of public artwork
- planting and screening along the rail trench
- use of the old Mont Albert Station building
- trees, vegetation and greenery across Surrey Hills and Mont Albert
- landscaping and traffic in surrounding streets
- name of the new, premium station.
We have received thousands of pieces of feedback across the life of the project and this feedback, along with ongoing detailed design work, has been incorporated into final designs.
If you require assistance in accessing or understanding this report, please contact us by emailing contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au or call 1800 105 105.