14 April 2023

The Victorian Government is upgrading important rail infrastructure on the Belgrave-Lilydale Line, that will enable more train services, less crowding on peak trains and better connections to public transport in Melbourne’s outer east.

As part of these upgrades, a new substation will be built in Bayswater near the Bayswater Station to expand the power source for Belgrave and Lilydale line trains, allowing trains to run more reliably.

The new substation will replace an existing tie station, which will be demolished, and is being completed in conjunction with level crossing removals at Bedford Road, Ringwood, Dublin Road, Ringwood East and Coolstore Road, Croydon. Construction has started in Ringwood and will start in Autumn 2023 for Croydon.


What is a substation?

A substation provides the power required to operate Melbourne’s trains and signalling equipment. It is a building that is owned by VicTrack and operated by Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM). Substations are common across the metropolitan rail network.

How do substations work?

Trains need a direct and constant source of power that can’t be met by the street power supply. Substations do not generate power – they convert the local street power supply from power lines to the voltage required to run trains.

What is the difference between a tie station and a substation?

Tie stations improve voltage regulation while substations provide the power required to operate trains and signalling.

Where will the substation be built?

We'll build the substation next to the existing tie station on VicTrack land at Bayswater Station, near the corner of Station Street and Scoresby Road. When the upgraded substation is complete, the tie station will be demolished.

Will there be any loss of car parking spaces?

There will be no loss of car parking spaces at Bayswater Station, however there may be temporary parking restrictions in place during construction of the substation.

How was this location chosen?

To provide optimum power for trains, substations are evenly placed along the rail corridor.

Power modelling for the Belgrave-Lilydale Line indicates there will be a need for additional power supply when the level crossing at Bedford Road, Ringwood is removed.

Upgrading the existing tie station with a substation will provide a stronger and more reliable power source, minimising unplanned disruptions to services.

How long will the substation take to build?

The substation will be built as part of the Bedford Road level crossing removal and will be complete in 2024.

How will the substation look?

The substation will be constructed off-site and delivered to its permanent location at Bayswater Station. It will be a single level building positioned within a secure compound that includes a parking area for maintenance vehicles.

The total area of the substation and associated infrastructure will be around 750 sqm, with the building approximately 5m wide (front), 5m in height and 26m in length.

Architectural screening will integrate the building into the surrounding area.

Will any trees be removed?

Trees and vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the existing tie station and a small number of trees adjacent to Scoresby Road will be removed to create space for the new substation building and associated infrastructure.

Replanting will be undertaken using native plants common to the area.

What will happen to the Scout Hall?

The Scout Hall will stay in its current location and the building will not be impacted by our works. We will work with the Scouts to manage any temporary construction impacts.

When will the substation operate?

Substations are generally accessed by technicians between the hours of 7am and 5pm. Emergency maintenance works may require the substation to be accessed outside of these hours.

For more information contact 1800 105 105 or email at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

Bayswater substation

Bayswater substation map