21 February 2022

We're removing the level crossing at Bedford Road by lowering the rail line into a trench. Early works will begin in late 2022, with major construction to start in 2023 and the boom gates gone for good by 2025.

Building the rail trench under Bedford Road will mean improved safety for pedestrians and drivers, faster travel times and more trains running more often on the Belgrave–Lilydale line – the second busiest on Melbourne's rail network.

This factsheet provides more information about what to expect when major construction begins.

Why this level crossing needs to go

  • More than 13,500 vehicles pass through the level crossing every day
  • Boom gates down for 23 minutes during the morning peak (7am to 9am)
  • 15 trains run through the crossing during the morning peak (7am to 9am)
  • Dangerous boom gates cause congestion for school, local and passing-through traffic using this vital road connection.

What to expect during construction

Construction vibration

While you may feel some vibration from our works, all construction activities will be carefully planned and monitored throughout the project. To complete these works, over several months we'll use large machinery to install hundreds of piles (large concrete columns) to form the walls of the new rail trench.

Noise, vibration and dust monitoring

To minimise impacts to the community we will install dust, noise and vibration monitors around the work site to measure air quality, sound and vibration at regular intervals. This will help ensure we have the right controls in place throughout our works. During construction, we will actively monitor noise and vibration levels to make sure they are within Environment Protection Authority guidelines. To learn more about these guidelines, visit epa.vic.gov.au

The main sources of noise, vibration and dust on the project

These are likely to be from:
  • rock breaking
  • piling works
  • soil compaction
  • excavation works
  • heavy machinery, generators and power tools.

How we reduce noise and vibration

To minimise noise impacts for the community, there are a range of measures in place, including:

  • using quieter reversing alarms on our vehicles and machines
  • keeping our machines in good working order
  • programming noisy works to occur during the day
  • using localised, noise dampening measures
  • working within approved construction times, between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday, and 7am and 2pm on Saturdays, whenever possible.

We will monitor sound levels before and during works so we can assess the impact to residents and implement further mitigation measures where necessary.

How we reduce dust

There will be a range of mitigations in place to minimise dust and mud, and keep the air clean in your community.

These include:

  • staging work to minimise the areas exposed to wind
  • spraying exposed areas with water, especially on hot and windy days
  • covering truck loads and stockpiles
  • reducing the speed of construction vehicles
  • monitoring air quality to ensure all construction activities comply with Victorian guidelines.

Temporary lighting during night works

At times, we'll need to light up an area for the safety of the community and our workers.

To minimise the potential for any temporary light spill from lighting towers, we will keep the amount of light to the minimum necessary for safe access or construction. We will also position light towers away from homes, businesses and public buildings.

Truck movements

When major works begin in 2023, there will be an increase in heavy vehicle movements, with more trucks and workers in the local area.

To reduce any impacts, we’ll aim to move trucks, particularly those carrying excavated material, away from construction sites and onto the arterial road network.


There may be times when we need to reduce speed limits or close lanes on roads to maintain the safety of our work crews and the community. You will see traffic controllers around the area to help manage any changes to local roads.

Other projects in your area

The Dublin Road, Ringwood East level crossing will also be removed, with the preferred design to lower the rail line into a trench. We will schedule construction works on both projects to ensure access for road users and pedestrians is maintained throughout the area.

Works to remove the Bedford throughout the area. Road level crossing are being carried out with COVIDSafe Plans in place to help protect workers and the community. For more information on coronavirus COVID-19, please visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au

Project timeline

Early 2022

  • Community engagement begins
  • Concept project designs released

Mid 2022

  • Updated project designs released

Late 2022

  • Early works begin

Early 2023

  • Finalise project designs released
  • Major construction begins


  • Level crossing gone for good

*Timeline above subject to change.