21 February 2022

The Bedford Road level crossing removal is one of 12 being removed on the Belgrave and Lilydale lines. 6 are already gone, 2 are going, and 4 more – including this one – are planned for removal by 2025.

Extensive engineering and technical investigations have confirmed lowering the rail line into a trench under Bedford Road is the best way to remove this dangerous and congested level crossing.

Removing the Bedford Road boom gates will mean:

  • improved safety for pedestrians and drivers
  • a more reliable road network and faster travel times for the 13,500+ vehicles that drive through the Bedford Road level crossing each day
  • more trains can run more often
  • hundreds of jobs created during construction.

With site investigations now complete, early artist impressions for the rail trench at Bedford Road are now available and you can have your say on aspects of the project’s design.

Early works will start later this year and by 2025, the level crossing will be gone, trains will be running in the new rail trench and cars will be safely driving over it.

Locals can look forward to spending less time stuck at boom gates, and having safer and easier access to public transport, local shops and other services.

Why this level crossing needs to go

  • More than 13,500 vehicles drive through this level crossing every day
  • Boom gates are down for up to 23 minutes during the morning peak (7am-9am)
  • 15 trains travel through the crossing during the morning peak (7am-9am)
  • Dangerous boom gates cause congestion for school, local and passing-through traffic using this vital road connection.

Preparing for construction

Building a rail trench under Bedford Road

Each level crossing is unique and our engineers consider a range of factors when determining how best to remove the boom gates.

In the past few months, you may have seen our team of engineers and technical experts out on the ground conducting further assessments to develop initial designs.

We’ll build a rail trench under the road at Bedford Road. This solution will reduce the impact on important infrastructure nearby like the rail junction at Ringwood Station.

Building a rail trench also provides opportunity to improve pedestrian and cycling connections across the rail tracks and throughout the local area.

Further site investigations are currently underway till the end of March 2022, with early works to get underway later this year. This will include preparing the construction site, with the relocation of underground facilities and services to make room for the trench.

From early 2023, you’ll start to see more construction works in and around the rail corridor, where we’ll work around the clock to dig the trench. The boom gates will be gone for good by 2025.

While we try hard to keep our works in the existing rail corridor, we’ll need to acquire some privately owned land to build the new rail trench. We have been in touch with all impacted property owners and will work closely with them during the process.

Opportunities to get involved

Have your say

Now that detailed assessments have confirmed the rail trench under the road as the best design, we want to hear your thoughts.

We're seeking your feedback on a range of design elements, including:

  • the look and feel of the new rail trench barrier and screen
  • planting preferences in Bedford Park.

You can have your say and keep up to date on the project in the following ways:

  • filling in an online survey at Engage Victoria by 11:59pm Sunday 27 March 2022
  • join our online community information sessions:
    • Session 1: Wednesday 9 March, 6pm-7pm
    • Session 2: Saturday 19 March, 11am-12pm

Register for a session at Engage Victoria

  • nominate for the construction liaison group.

If you would like a hard copy submission form sent to you, please contact us on 1800 105 105 or email us at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

You can also sign up for email updates.

Planning approval

Planning approval for this project will proceed under Clause 52.03 – Level Crossing Removal Project of the Maroondah Planning Scheme.

We are seeking community feedback on a range of planning matters, including:

  • construction-related impacts
  • environmental impacts
  • amenity impacts
  • native vegetation
  • heritage.

The consultation period is now open, and we would like to provide you with the chance to formally submit your feedback.

All feedback received will be included in a public consultation summary report. This report will inform the Minister for Planning’s assessment of the project under Clause 52.03.

Planning submissions can be made online at Engage Victoria by 11.59pm Sunday 27 March 2022.

If you would like a hard copy submission form sent to you, please contact us on 1800 105 105 or email us at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

Be part of the construction liaison group

We’re establishing a construction liaison group for community members who want to be more involved in the project.

The group will meet regularly to learn more about the construction program and provide another avenue to share insights and information between the community and project team.

To view the key selection criteria and register your interest, visit our online engagement portal at Engage Victoria

Expressions of interest are open until 11:59pm Sunday 27 March 2022.

If you have any more questions about the group, please call us on 1800 105 105 or email us at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

Other projects in your area

The Dublin Road, Ringwood East level crossing will also be removed, with lowering the rail line into a trench as the preferred solution, and building a brand new Ringwood East Station.

When both level crossings are gone by 2025, the area will be safer, less congested and easier to get around.

Project timeline

Early 2022

  • Community engagement begins
  • Concept project designs released

Mid 2022

  • Updated project designs released

Late 2022

  • Early works begin

Early 2023

  • Finalise project designs released
  • Major construction begins


  • Level crossing gone for good

*Timeline above subject to change.