1 March 2017

Major construction ramps up

Construction works have ramped up to remove 9 level crossings, build 5 new stations and create new open space on the Cranbourne – Pakenham Line.

The Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project will not only relieve significant traffic congestion, but will allow more trains with increased capacity to run on Melbourne's busiest rail corridor.

The 9 level crossings being removed are:

  • Grange Road, Carnegie
  • Koornang Road, Carnegie
  • Murrumbeena Road, Murrumbeena
  • Poath Road, Hughesdale
  • Clayton Road, Clayton
  • Centre Road, Clayton
  • Corrigan Road, Noble Park
  • Heatherton Road, Noble Park
  • Chandler Road, Noble Park.

This quarterly newsletter provides an overview of key construction milestones and a snapshot of project activities in your local community.

A successful summer

Creating support piers

The project recently reached a major milestone with the first piers erected to support the elevated rail structure. Each pier consists of a base column made up of up to 3 concrete segments, and a cross-head segment placed on top of the column to form a 'Y' shape.

More than 350 piers will be installed along the rail corridor.

Setting up the gantry crane

The impressive gantry crane that will construct the elevated structure from Grange Road through to Poath Road has arrived in Melbourne and will commence operation in coming months.

The gantry crane will feed an automated carrier which will drive along the new elevated structure, laying sections of deck onto the support piers. This innovative construction method is being used for the first time in Victoria and will mean that more work can be done while trains are still running.

Safety is our top priority

Nothing is more important than the safety of our people and the communities in which we are working. The gantry crane has many inbuilt safety features including:

  • a protective throw screen made of heavy duty steel mesh will be installed along the full length of the gantry crane
  • steel protection beams will be in place beneath the spans and automated carrier as they are transported over the rail line
  • the automated carrier will operate besides the tracks, not above and will be controlled by a specialist operator. The machine has an automated 'off switch' with trigger sensors linked to the operators cabin.

Upcoming disruptions

Our construction methodology means trains can keep running and roads can remain open the majority of the time as we remove the congested level crossings.

We're working hard to ensure minimum inconvenience to residents, commuters, local businesses and shoppers wherever possible. However, there will be some disruptions with the project team planning the following weekend rail line closures.

Sunday 12 March to the first service on Monday 13 March 2017*
Buses will replace trains (Caulfield to Oakleigh).

Saturday 8 April to the first service on Monday 10 April 2017*
Buses will replace trains (Caulfield to Dandenong).

*Dates and locations are subject to change.

There will be additional rail closures during the project, including when the existing rail line is connected to the new elevated structure. Detailed information will be published on our website and in upcoming editions of this newsletter in advance of any closures.

Carnegie Station closure

Carnegie Station is temporarily closed until Monday 13 March 2017. Train replacement buses are operating during this closure. Commuters for Carnegie Station are encouraged to change at Caulfield and Murrumbeena stations to board the train replacement bus to Carnegie Station.

Focus on design

The design to remove the nine level crossings includes a series of 3 elevated sections of track. Importantly, community feedback is playing a significant role in these designs, with a range of improvements already announced.

Murrumbeena: Improvements to the design of the new Murrumbeena Station building include lowering the station canopies and installing a second entrance.

Noble Park: Improvements to the design of the new Noble Park Station building include a Protective Services Officer (PSO) facility, lowering the station canopies and relocating the Douglas Street substation away from the station forecourt.

The final elevated structure screening heights, design and materials will be confirmed in the coming months. This screening will serve multiple purposes, including reducing noise, providing privacy for residents whose properties abut the rail corridor and enhancing the overall look of the elevated rail structure.

The designs for Clayton, Hughesdale and Carnegie stations will also be finalised shortly and the community open space design will be finalised in early 2018.

For more information please visit Project Design.

Sustainability – getting it right for future generations

We understand the importance of a sustainable future. That's why we are ensuring this project creates a positive environmental legacy.

  • Where possible, water from the elevated structure will be directed into the linear parkland for use as passive irrigation.
  • Planting design in the linear parkland will improve biodiversity by creating ecological corridors for flora and fauna.
  • Solar panels will be installed on station canopies to reduce reliance of power from the grid and carbon emissions from the stations.
  • Hundreds of thousands of new plants will be planted, including drought tolerant trees and ground cover species.
  • Station buildings will deliver a 4-star Green Star rating.

Where possible, the project is using:

  • Recycled water for construction activities rather than drinking water.
  • Recycled materials in manufactured products to reduce energy use.
  • Bio-fuels to power site activities and reduce energy and emissions impacts.

Revitalising our community

As part of the Caulfield to Dandenong level crossing removal project, the Government is looking at ways to enhance the Carnegie, Murrumbeena, Clayton and Noble Park precincts, including residential and retail development, better connections and open spaces.

Potential sites for future development have been on public display since the project was first announced in 2016. To view the proposed sites, please see the aerial maps at Your Level Crossings.

Proposals for future development of these sites are in the early planning stages, and the community will have the opportunity to comment on proposals later this year.

Open Space Ideas Hub – join the conversation

In December 2016, we launched an Open Space Ideas Hub. We want to hear what you think about some of the ideas the Community Open Space Expert Panel has generated, as well as your own creative ideas of how we can transform the rail corridor into an attractive and safe environment for local residents.

  • 105 discussion forum comments
  • 110 ideas of the ideas hub

*as at 31 January 2017.

We asked the community for feedback on a proposal to use sections of the concrete pillars to create outdoor art galleries in key precincts, reflecting the history and personality of each local area.

84% support pillars being used to create an outdoor art gallery

The project will be planting hundreds of thousands of new plants in the linear parkland. In late January 2017 we released a survey via the Open Space Ideas Hub asking you for your feedback on these plantings.

Key ideas include:

  • "Drinking stations along pedestrian and bicycle path" – Noble Park resident
  • "Encourage wildlife/birds by planting native trees" – Carnegie resident
  • "Include fitness stations in the parkland" – Murrumbeena resident

We have also been out and about in your local community at a number of community events including: the City of Greater Dandenong Australia Day festival, the Clayton Street Festival and the Carnegie Lunar New Year celebration hearing what's important to you in the new open space. This feedback will help shape the design and inform our decision making.

To have your say on the development of the open space visit Your Level Crossings.

Boosting capacity on Melbourne's busiest rail line

To prepare for the introduction of new High Capacity Metro Trains the Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project is upgrading power and signalling, extending the length of station platforms and improving rail infrastructure between Southern Cross and both Pakenham and Cranbourne.

The first of the new High Capacity Metro Trains will be delivered by November 2018, with passenger services starting in 2019. The full fleet will be operational in time for the opening of the Metro Tunnel in 2026. The new trains will be longer than existing trains, with more space to increase capacity on Melbourne's busiest rail line.

Early works began in late 2016, and will continue throughout 2017 and 2018 along the rail corridor.

Shop local and support our traders

The project team is working closely with local traders to minimise the impacts of construction where we can, and ensure access to shops is maintained at all times.

We are also promoting business growth in the area, and over the holiday period, we took the opportunity to have some fun and show our support.

Elf on a shelf

Over twelve days in the lead up to Christmas, the project team ran an 'Elf on the Shelf' competition with traders and the local community at each shopping precinct. Each morning, Santa's helpers would move the little toy elves to a new shop, and post a hint about the location on social media. Community members who responded correctly on Facebook then went into the draw to win a $50 voucher each day. We also rewarded participating businesses with $50 and promotion on our social media channels.

Santa shops local

Santa and his Elf, 'Winkles', from the Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project, surprised and delighted customers during the Caulfield to Westall rail disruption.

Santa and his Elf provided toys and magazines (all sourced from local traders) to delighted customers travelling on the bus and waiting at Caulfield Station. This was a great way to thank customers for their patience and support traders at the same time.

Key construction milestones

April 2016

  • Contract awarded for the Caulfield to Dandenong level crossing removals

August 2016

  • Major construction commenced

October 2016

  • Piling commenced

January 2017

  • First pier installed between Carnegie and Hughesdale
  • Gantry Crane arrived in Melbourne

February / March 2017

  • First pier installed at Clayton and Noble Park
  • Cranes commence lifting beams and deck segments onto support piers at Clayton and Noble Park

April / May 2017

  • Carrier system operational between Grange Road and Poath Road – first viaduct span installed
  • Piling complete at Carnegie, Murrumbeena and Hughesdale

Late 2017

  • Installation of track signalling


  • Open space landscaping complete
  • New stations open at Carnegie, Murrumbeena, Hughesdale, Clayton and Noble Park
  • Rail line operating on elevated structure
  • Bicycle and pedestrian path completeAll level crossings removed.