30 November 2023
The Victorian Government is committed to removing every level crossing on the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines, creating more benefits for local communities and a better transport network for all Victorians.
We’re removing the dangerous and congested level crossing at Webster Street.
Removing this level crossing will improve safety for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists and prepare the area for future development. It will also reduce road congestion and deliver a more reliable road network with better connections and travel times.
Making the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines level crossing free will pave the way for more trains, more often and future transport upgrades.
An important part of planning to remove these level crossings is to carry out cultural heritage assessments.
Our assessments consider impacts of our project on Aboriginal cultural heritage. They help us to identify opportunities to reduce any potential impacts to Aboriginal places or objects through design refinement and how the project will be constructed.
How we conduct cultural heritage assessments
To ensure we manage Aboriginal cultural heritage in the Dandenong area, we engage archaeologists, heritage advisors and the Registered Aboriginal Party, the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, to identify Aboriginal places or objects in the project.
Assessing potential impacts
The Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment involves the preparation of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the Webster Street project.
In collaboration with the Registered Aboriginal Party, we conduct a field investigation to identify Aboriginal places or objects.
We assess the extent to which our proposed design and construction approach could impact on Aboriginal places or objects, and explore how any impacts can be avoided, minimised or mitigated.
Managing heritage impacts
We will then prepare the cultural heritage management plan in accordance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.
The plan is evaluated and approved by the Registered Aboriginal Party.
This plan helps us manage and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage.
You can find out more about cultural heritage management plans by visiting the First Peoples Relations website.
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- If you have any questions about the project, call us on 1800 105 105 or email contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au