1 December 2016

In November 2015, the Victorian Government announced it would fast-track the removal of the level crossing at Abbotts Road, Dandenong South.

In preliminary discussions with Council and Industry Groups, the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) were informed historical plans for a road link connecting Remington Drive and Pound Road West. This link had been sought by Council and local industry over decades to relieve congestion throughout the Dandenong South Precinct.

In February 2016, the LXRP sought community feedback on a proposed option to remove the Abbotts Road level crossing by building an alternative road linking Remington Drive and Pound Road West and closing Abbotts Road.

LXRP considered it important to seek feedback on this option, including how the closure of Abbotts Road would impact businesses in the area. This consultation provided a stronger understanding of the issues concerning local businesses, in particular if Abbotts Road was closed.

Following strong feedback from the community and local businesses regarding the option to close Abbotts Road as part of the level crossing removal, LXRP changed its approach in March 2016 and embarked on a 3 phase consultation process, seeking feedback on an additional 4 options to remove the level crossing while continuing its analysis of the Remington Drive option.

Taking into account the feedback from this first phase of consultation, along with the results of a thorough multi-criteria assessment of each of the 5 options, in June 2016 the project team shortlisted 2 feasible options – building a road bridge over the rail line and building a rail bridge over Abbotts Road.

The second phase of consultation, in July 2016, saw LXRP seek feedback on these options in order to further refine designs and select a preferred solution.

The design solution – a rail bridge over Abbotts Road - was announced to the community in September 2016, with the final design for the bridge structure to be determined by the constructors once a contract is awarded.

Award of contract will take place during 2017, with construction expected to begin in early 2018 and the crossing to be removed by 2019.

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