1 November 2016
On Thursday 17 March 2016 the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP), with the support of Capire Consulting Group, held a community and industry forum to discuss options for the removal of the level crossing on Abbotts Road, Dandenong South.
The forum was attended by up to 90 people who identified as landowners, business owners, Local Government representatives, residents, commuters and employees. Attendees were provided with a project overview by LXRP and the 5 design options for the level crossing removal. Attendees could provide their feedback to LXRP on these design options by filling out and returning a feedback form. Feedback forms were returned by 47 participants.
On 21 October 2016, LXRP hosted a second industry forum to update stakeholders on the project, including the preferred design option for the crossing removal, present engagement findings so far and hear insights from a BLG member's perspective.
The project team also sought feedback from the attendees about two potential bridge structure designs and construction impacts. This feedback is captured in the below report, prepared by Capire.
It will be provided to prospective proponents to inform their bidding documentation to construct the project.