25 August 2022

We’ve formed a Glen Huntly Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG) of residents and representatives from local community groups to help shape the project.

The group will meet regularly during the construction phase of the project from 2022 to 2024 and will share local perspectives, particularly in relation to managing construction impacts on the community.

The group will also provide information to the community about the project and construction progress.

The group consists of the following representatives:

  • Roslyn Gold
  • Siew-Li Hammond
  • Jeremy Gronow
  • Godfrey Senaratne
  • Ranjeet Singh
  • Jane Banting
  • Malcolm Dow
  • Mai Luu
  • Nina Taylor, MP
  • Steve Dimopoulos, MP

Executive summaries

Meeting 5 – Tuesday 9 August 2022

The fifth meeting of the Glenhuntly SLG was held online via Microsoft Teams.

Project update

The Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) presented an overview of piling work being carried out along the rail corridor in preparation for excavation of the new rail trench otherwise known as the ‘big dig’ in mid 2023. The project team outlined the critical activities successfully completed during the June/July road and rail disruption in which crews worked 24 hours a day while trains were not running. LXRP noted 2 project milestones; the relocation of 15 of Royal Avenue’s Canary Island Date Palms and the installation of a 51 tonne, 20m Melbourne-made concrete beam to form part of the new Neerim Road connection above the lowered rail line.

Construction update

LXRP spoke to the upcoming construction activities that would take place 24 hours a day along the rail corridor from Tuesday 23 August to Saturday 27 August 2022. The team noted that during this time works would include piling for overhead structures, rail scrubbing and tamping, relocation of utilities and the installation of safety fences. LXRP advised that the third track would also be reinstated and platform 3 re-opened at Glenhuntly Station to allow express trains to run on the Frankston Line.

Group members heard about measures used to minimise the impact of noise, dust, light spills, and vibrations, in accordance with environmental guidelines from the Environment Protection Authority.

Public transport replacement mechanisms were also outlined with buses replacing trains on the Frankston Line between Caulfield and Moorabbin stations from 8.30pm Wednesday 24 August to 4am Saturday 27 August.  Route 67 trams will continue to operate.

Project Area Amendment

LXRP advised that additional land has been identified for inclusion in the project boundary, including a small parcel of land within a disused area of Caulfield Racecourse and a small strip of public land along Sir John Monash Drive. This proposed land would be used for temporary construction, workforce parking, storage of construction materials, and site sheds.

A consultation report was submitted to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on 2 August 2022 to help inform the Minister for Planning’s decision on the proposed boundary amendment.

Community engagement

The communications update outlined completed activities since the last meeting including the installation of the Station Place noticeboard, special Disney On Ice shuttle bus services during the June/July disruption, information pop-ups, community information walking tours and workforce trader incentives to eat and shop local. LXRP will continue to communicate construction impacts and changes to the way you travel in advance via letterboxed works notifications, works alerts, community updates, email newsletters, social media, face-to-face conversations and door knocks.

Landscaping – Design and Direction

The group was given an overview of the process and design principles behind developing a landscaping plan for the area. Once finalised the designs will include a mix of native and exotic, tree and shrub species to enhance the habitat and biodiversity along the rail corridor. New tree planting and landscaping is an important part of LXRP’s design across Glen Huntly and Caulfield East and will take place once major works are completed in 2023.

Meeting 4 – June 2022

A summary of the fourth meeting is not available.

Meeting 3 – Wednesday 27 April 2022

The third meeting of the Glenhuntly SLG was held in person at Caulfield Park Pavilion.

Project update

The Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) provided an overview of the early works leading up to removing the level crossings at Neerim Road and Glen Huntly Road and building a new Glenhuntly Station. LXRP detailed what the community should expect during the upcoming works in the area, which will include relocation of utilities, drainage installation, vegetation removal, and piling mobilisation and installation.

Construction update

LXRP spoke to the upcoming construction activities that would take place 24 hours a day along the railway line from 9pm Monday 30 May until 3am Friday 3 June 2022. The group heard about the range of measures used to minimise the impacts of noise, dust, light spill and vibration. These measures are in accordance with environmental guidelines for major construction sites from the Environment Protection Authority.

The group was briefed on traffic management and given an insight into how the traffic management team works with the relevant stakeholders ahead of road disruptions.

Public transport replacement mechanisms were also outlined with buses replacing trains on the Frankston line between Caulfield and Mordialloc stations from Wednesday 1 June to last service Thursday 2 June. Route 67 trams will continue to operate.

Landscaping update

The group was given an overview of the process and design principles behind developing a landscaping plan. After major works are completed, LXRP advised that they would plant two trees for every one removed, to increase the overall tree canopy in the municipality.

Community engagement

The communications update outlined communications activities since the last meeting including works notifications, door knocks, email updates, social media, and community update newsletters.

The next SLG meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 June.

Meeting 2 – Wednesday 16 February 2022

The second Glen Huntly SLG meeting was held online due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Project update

The Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) gave an overview of the activities currently occurring in preparation for lowering the rail into a trench, removing the level crossings at Glen Huntly and Neerim roads and building the new Glenhuntly Station.

LXRP ran through the high-level project timeline, including a brief lookahead into 2022 works.

Vegetation removal

LXRP detailed why and how tree and vegetation removal would take place within the rail corridor. An overview of the Canary Island Date Palms temporary relocation was also discussed.

LXRP confirmed that the landscaping plan for re-establishing greenery across the project is still being developed and that once complete would be shared with the community.

Construction update

LXRP detailed the enabling activities that would take place during the first rail closure for the project, in which rail, tram and road would be closed from 8.30pm Friday 25 February to 3am Monday 28 February. Public transport replacement mechanisms were also outlined.

Community engagement

LXRP provided the group with a communications update on community consultation and advised that they were liaising closely with schools and traders to keep them informed. LXRP also summarised project information that was made available, including various community newsletters, fact sheets, works notices and virtual information sessions.

The SLG discussed general feedback from the community and what they have been hearing about the project.

The next SLG meeting will be held on Wednesday 27 April with the location still to be finalised.

Meeting 1 – Monday 6 December 2021

The first Glen Huntly SLG meeting was held on 6 December 2021.

Project update

In this initial meeting, the SLG established group expectations and responsibilities.

The Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) gave an overview of the project at Glen Huntly, which will involve lowering the rail into a trench under Glen Huntly and Neerim roads, rebuilding the roads at the current levels and building a new Glenhuntly Station. The project also includes rail system and asset upgrades along the Frankston line.

LXRP ran through the high-level project timeline, including a brief lookahead into 2022 works.

Community engagement

LXRP provided the group with a communications update on community consultation conducted in late 2020 to early 2021. Community feedback from this informed project designs which were released in mid 2021. LXRP also summarised project information that was made available, including various community newsletters, fact sheets and face-to-face and virtual information sessions.

The SLG discussed general feedback from the community and what they have been hearing about the project.

Meeting frequency for 2022 was confirmed as every 2 to 3 months, with meeting 2 scheduled for February 2022.

Project designs

LXRP provided a number of artist impressions of the new Glenhuntly Station precinct as well as a map overview of the project.

Construction update

LXRP provided an update on current construction activities, including ground investigation activities and test piling works in the Glenhuntly Station car park.