15 March 2021

In October and November 2020, we asked the community to give us feedback on what you value about the Glen Huntly area, how you move around the area and how you access and use public transport.

You can read more about your feedback and how it helped us to progress the design for the Glen Huntly Level Crossing Removal Project in our community consultation report.

The report details the key themes raised in feedback from the community, local businesses, and stakeholders during our early planning phase.

We heard your top 4 priorities for the station precinct are:

  • Pathways for pedestrians in and around the station precinct
  • Practical station designs (e.g. weather protected areas)
  • Better connections between the station, local streets and the Glen Huntly shopping strip
  • Landscaping and seating around the new Glenhuntly Station precinct

We will take these themes on board as we develop and refine project designs.

We'll be coming back out to the community shortly to ask for your feedback on a range of design elements including materials and finishes.

If you require assistance in accessing or understanding this report, please email us at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au or call 1800 105 105.