12 June 2024
We’re removing the level crossings at McDonald Street in Mordialloc and Station Street in Aspendale by building new rail bridges.
We’re also removing and closing the Bear Street level crossing in Mordialloc and building a new Mordialloc Station, creating a vibrant new station precinct with modern facilities and safe access for pedestrians and cyclists by 2026.
There will be some changes to the local traffic network as part of the project to remove the level crossings at McDonald Street and Bear Street, Mordialloc and Station Street, Aspendale.
The boom gates at these level crossing are currently down for about a third (approximately 40 minutes) of the morning peak causing congestion, delays and increased travel times.
Removing the level crossings will create more reliable travel times and make getting around Mordialloc and Aspendale safer and easier for road users, pedestrians and cyclists.
Project benefits
- 3 level crossings gone for good.
- New premium station with modern facilities.
- Improved traffic flow.
- Safer for pedestrian and cyclists.
Why these level crossings need to go
- Around 26,000 vehicles travel through these three level crossings every day.
- Boom gates are down for around a third of the morning peak (7am to 9am).
- 33 trains run during the morning peak.
- 12 near misses at these crossings since 2016 and 1 fatality.
Mordialloc traffic changes
When we build the new rail bridge and remove the level crossings at McDonald and Bear streets, Bear Street will be closed permanently to vehicles, with pedestrian and cyclist access maintained.
This will create space for a vibrant new station precinct with safer connections to transport and nearby shops.
To make sure traffic continues to flow smoothly through the new boom gate free area, we'll make additional traffic changes including:
- upgrading the McDonald Street and Nepean Highway roundabout by building a new slip lane for vehicles turning left from McDonald Street to the Nepean Highway
- improving the Albert Street and McDonald Street intersection and making Albert Street one way (southbound between Lewis Street and McDonald Street) to help traffic flow smoothly and safely
- signalised pedestrian crossings to make it easier and safer to cross Albert Street and McDonald Street to get to the new Mordialloc Station.
Albert Street changes
As the rail line will move east towards Albert Street, we will make the road one-way southbound between Lewis Street and McDonald Street.
Drivers will be able to turn left into McDonald Street from the one-way section. Drivers travelling north can access Albert Street via Barkly and Lewis streets.
Vehicles travelling along Albert Street from Bear Street (northbound) will be able to safely turn left or right into McDonald Street.d
Aspendale traffic changes
When the new rail bridge in Aspendale is built, drivers will no longer cross the rail line at Station Street. They will instead travel under the rail bridge at a new link road to Nepean Highway, near Pine Crescent.
A roundabout will also keep traffic moving along Station Street and Pine Crescent, providing smooth access to the Nepean Highway. The roundabout will provide safe and easy access for residents accessing their homes and minimise traffic noise.
We’ll also improve pedestrian and cyclist connections by building a new walking and cycling path along the rail line, connecting to existing paths within Attenborough Park. We will build pedestrian crossings at Station Street and signalised crossings at Nepean Highway.
Station Street roundabout
A roundabout will be safer and less disruptive for nearby residents, making it more suitable than traffic lights for this local road.
Traffic will be able to move smoothly without disruption, reducing waiting times for nearby residents wanting to use their driveways.
Compared with traffic lights, a roundabout will also improve traffic flow and minimise traffic noise, such as car brakes. With no flashing lights or beeping, a roundabout will also have less visual and noise impact to residents.
Choosing the best road design for Mordialloc and Aspendale
We carried out detailed traffic studies, as well as other site investigations and engineering work, to help inform the updated designs. We have also consulted with the community, council, and the Department of Transport of Planning.
As part of the project planning, we considered traffic movements, along with current and potential safety implications.
Project timeline
Late 2022
- McDonald and Bear streets, Mordialloc and Station Street, Aspendale level crossing removal projects announced
Early to mid 2023
- Early site investigations Community consultation
Mid to late 2023
- Early site investigations continue
- Early concept designs released with community consultation
- Planning consultation
Early 2024
- Contract awarded for works
Mid 2024
- Updated designs released
- Site establishment and early works begin
Late 2024
- Early works continue
- Major construction starts
- Final designs released
- Level crossings removed
- Project completed
*Timeline subject to change.