1 May 2024
On Tuesday 8 and Thursday 11 April 2024, the Melton level crossing removal project team held online information sessions to introduce concept designs for the new Melton Station and the rail bridges over Coburns and Exford roads in Melton.
These sessions were held as part of community consultation for the project, with the community asked to provide their feedback on the concept designs and provide a planning approvals submission.
The team gave the following presentation and answered questions from the community members both live during the sessions or before hand via an online submission page.
The team received questions on topics such as the layout and design of the new station, accessibility in the station precinct and impacts during construction.
If you require assistance in accessing or understanding the PDF slides (PDF, 2.4 MB), please contact us by emailing contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au, call 1800 105 105, or for languages other than English call 03 9209 0147.