7 December 2023

Works ramping up at Cave Hill Road

The boom gates at Cave Hill Road, Lilydale will soon be gone for good, months ahead of schedule.

We will close the level crossing at Cave Hill Road, Lilydale and build a new pedestrian underpass to provide a safer connection across the rail line to Lilydale High School and nearby homes and businesses, with links to future pedestrian and cycling paths.

Construction will start in December 2023 with the new pedestrian underpass opening ahead of schedule in 2024, helping make the Lilydale Line level crossing free.

From 24 January 2024, Cave Hill Road will permanently close at the level crossing so we can build the new pedestrian underpass.

When the level crossing is closed, drivers wishing to cross the rail line will need to travel the short distance to John Street or Main Street.

Pedestrian access across the rail line will be maintained while we work to remove the level crossing and build the new underpass.

In conjunction with the level crossing removals at Croydon and Ringwood East, removing the boom gates at Cave Hill Road will make the Lilydale Line boom gate free in 2024, improving safety and allowing more trains, more often on Melbourne’s second-busiest train line.

Why this level crossing needs to go

  • More than 100 trains pass through the level crossing every weekday.
  • Removing this level crossing will improve safety and allow more trains, more often on the Lilydale Line.
  • The removal of this level crossing will mean the Lilydale Line will be level crossing free in 2024, a year ahead of schedule.

Here’s how to get around

From 24 January 2024, Cave Hill Road will permanently close at the level crossing. This means vehicles will no longer be able to cross the rail line between Cave Hill Road and Melba Avenue.

Access to Lilydale High School and businesses on Melba Avenue will be maintained from Hutchinson Street, and Cave Hill Road and Taylor Street will remain accessible from John Street.

Pedestrian access across the rail line will be maintained while we work. On occasion, we'll need to close the pedestrian crossing between Cave Hill Road and Melba Avenue, with alternative, safe routes provided for pedestrians and cyclists across the rail line.

We'll continue to keep local residents, businesses and the school community informed of any disruptions with regular updates during the works.

Detour map

Cave Hill Road detour map

Site establishment

To safely carry out works we will need to establish workforce facilities adjacent to the rail corridor on Melba Avenue, opposite Lilydale High School. A construction laydown area will also be established on Taylor Street, on the non-residential side of the street.

We’ll need to start preparing the site in December 2023 by relocating utilities, setting up our site facilities and removing some vegetation that will be impacted by the works. We’ll also establish protection zones around existing trees and vegetation with more than 400 trees being retained in the project area.

Project timeline


  • Project announcement

Late 2023

  • Early works begin

Early 2024

  • Major construction begins
  • Permanent closure of Cave Hill Road at the level crossing


  • Level crossing gone for good
  • New pedestrian underpass opens
  • Lilydale Line level crossing free

*Timeline above subject to change.

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