6 May 2024

Work is powering ahead to make the Lilydale Line level crossing free by 2024, a year ahead of schedule.

We'll start major 24/7 works in Ringwood East and Croydon on Friday 24 May to remove the dangerous and congested level crossings and build the new Ringwood East and Croydon stations.

To enable these works to take place safely, buses will replace trains on sections of the Lilydale Line from Friday 24 May to early July, when the new Ringwood East Station opens, followed by the new Croydon Station later that month.

What to expect

We will work day and night at Cardigan Road Reserve from Friday 24 May to early July while trains are not running.

During this time we will:

  • build new station elements such as lift shafts and staircases
  • undertake steel fixing works
  • move and store construction and rail materials
  • move large machinery (for example excavators, cranes, trucks)
  • load and transport rail infrastructure, station elements and materials to and from the reserve.

Local residents may experience:

  • increased truck movements and noise from trucks and other vehicles in the area day and night
  • an increase in construction noise and dust
  • vehicles, machinery and workers onsite
  • targeted lighting for work areas, with measures in place to prevent significant light spill onto nearby properties.

When we’ll work

Construction works will take place day and night from Friday 24 May to early July 2024. Please be aware works can sometimes take longer than expected or need to be rescheduled due to weather and other factors outside of our control.

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