5 March 2024

Work is powering ahead to make the Lilydale Line level crossing free by 2024, a year ahead of schedule.

Construction is well underway to remove the congested level crossing and roundabout by elevating the rail line, building a new Croydon Station and transport hub, and creating new road links to reconnect Croydon’s town centre.

What we’re doing

We’ll work day and night along the rail corridor and at the Coolstore Road level crossing from 7:30pm Tuesday  19 March until 7am Sunday 24 March while trains are not running.

During this time, we will:

  • trench and install underground and overhead rail equipment
  • continue building bridge foundations (including concrete pours to construct piers and crossheads)
  • install bridge beams
  • complete rail signalling works
  • relocate underground water services within the rail corridor
  • investigate services.

Following this 24/7 works period some of these activities will continue during regular construction hours in March.

What to expect

  • There will be a temporary water disruption for some local residents while water relocation works are underway. Affected residents will receive a letter.
  • There will be some construction noise from machinery. There will also be an increase in workers, vehicles and construction equipment.
  • Construction vehicles will access the rail corridor via Coolstore Road, Railway Crescent, the Devon Street site compound, Gallipoli Parade, Wicklow Avenue and Lincoln Road service road.
  • Coolstore Road will remain open during the 24-hour works, with traffic management in place to assist with equipment and machinery needing to access or cross the rail line. This may result in some short-term delays.
  • There will be intermittent traffic impacts, including shuttle-flow traffic management, with minor delays on Wicklow Avenue while large concrete bridge beams are being delivered to site.
  • Traffic management staff will be in place throughout the works to ensure the safety of road users and pedestrians.
  • During night works, targeted lighting will be used for work areas with measures in place to prevent light spill.
  • Access to homes and businesses will be maintained throughout the works.

Changes to the way you travel

Buses will replace trains on sections of the Belgrave and Lilydale lines between Blackburn, Belgrave and Lilydale stations from 8:30pm Tuesday 19 March until late March.

Upcoming road closures and pedestrian changes

Wicklow Avenue

  • Traffic management in place from 7.30pm Tuesday 19 March until 7pm Saturday 23 March 2024.
  • Please follow the directions of traffic controllers.

Coolstore Road, Croydon

  • Traffic management in place from 7.30pm Tuesday 19 March until 7pm Saturday 23 March 2024.
  • To allow machinery to enter and exit the rail corridor, delays of up to 10 minutes can be expected. Please follow the directions of traffic controllers.

Beans and beams!

There will be an opportunity for the local community to get involved and watch the beam lifts as they take place, as well as hear from our specialist engineers about the works and have a coffee and a treat on us! Keep an eye out on our website and email updates to register online.

More information