Planning approvals are likely to be required to conduct works associated with projects being delivered by us. While there are multiple types of planning approvals, approval for our projects will typically be sought under Clause 52.03 (Level Crossing Removal Project) of the Victoria Planning Provisions.
Clause 52.03 was approved by the Minister for Planning and introduced to the Victoria Planning Provisions in January 2020. It removes the need for separate Planning Scheme Amendments or planning permits for each level crossing removal project. It establishes a standardised and more efficient planning approval process for us.
Clause 52.03 supports the efficient delivery of the Victorian Government’s commitment to remove 110 of the most dangerous and congested level crossings and upgrade rail corridors across Victoria to support growth in capacity and improve the efficiency and safety of the road, rail and pedestrian network.
We are required to address particular matters prior to the commencement of works. These include:
- a consultation summary report explaining our consultation approach and how feedback was considered
- an Environmental Management Framework (EMF)
- a plan showing the boundary of the area where works will occur.
Clause 52.03 requires us to consult with communities and Councils.
All feedback received during the planning consultation process is included in a consultation summary report and submitted to the Minister for Planning. Councils also have input into the Environmental Management Framework which is required as part of the provision.
Yes. Clause 52.03 retains appropriate requirements for the management of potential environmental, amenity and other impacts of project construction.
We are required to prepare an EMF in consultation with local Councils that includes an overarching framework of measures to reduce and manage environmental and amenity effects during construction of a project.
Clause 52.03 requires native vegetation removed, destroyed or lopped for a project to be reported and offset in accordance with the Guidelines for removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation (Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, December 2017) consistent with usual requirements of the planning scheme.