18 February 2025
The Level Crossing Removal Project is removing 18 level crossings and building 12 new stations as part of a $3 billion upgrade of the Frankston Line that will improve safety, reduce congestion and allow more trains to run more often.
The Southern Program Alliance comprises Lendlease, Acciona, Coleman Rail, WSP and Metro Trains Melbourne to deliver the Southern Program level crossing removal program.
Safety Policy
We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all people involved or who interact with the Level Crossing Removal Project. We believe that all work-related injuries, conditions and property losses are preventable, and that safety cannot be compromised. Our approach to health and safety is to always give it first priority and to seek consultation, learning and continual improvement.
Our safety practises
- Compliance: establish, implement and maintain an integrated management system that complies with AS/NZS 4801 ‘Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems – Specifications with guidance for use’, all applicable health and safety laws, regulations, statutory obligations and other applicable requirements.
- Continual improvement: regularly document, review and revise our management system to maintain its relevance, effectiveness and continual improvement.
- Training: ensure all work activities are carried out by competent, suitably trained people.
- Responsibility: seek to achieve the personal commitment from all employees, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants to conduct their work in a safe manner and look out for and respond immediately to any hazards, including unsafe acts. All personnel must apply the hierarchy of controls to eliminate or minimise risks to a worker’s health and safety. If it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate the risk, all effort must be made to minimise those risks.
- Performance: set measurable targets and seek to continually improve our health and safety performance.
- Learning: learn from experience in pursuit of finding safer ways to do things.
- Consultation: communicate this policy and related plans and procedures to our team members and stakeholders as appropriate to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities and are included in the decisions impacting on safety.
In providing a safe workplace, we place the safety and wellbeing of our employees, those working with us, and the general public as our first priority. We look to advance safety practices and behaviours through communication, new ideas, technology and innovations.
Cultural Diversity Policy
We are committed to building, valuing and promoting diversity and inclusiveness to support the successful delivery of the project to the Level Crossing Removal Project and the community. We endeavour to provide team members with the ability to be the best they can be and recognise and respect that we all have different backgrounds, beliefs and experiences.
Our cultural diversity practises
- Inclusion: promote an inclusive culture and provide a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and abuse, and raising employees’ awareness of their rights and responsibilities.
- Equal opportunity: ensure all team members are provided an equal opportunity for personal and professional development, training and promotion based on merit.
- Respect: treat the client, all team members, suppliers, subcontractors and members of the community with courtesy, dignity and respect where their respective rights and obligations are understood, accepted and honoured by all parties.
- Recruitment: consider all applications for employment from a cross section of the market and make a selection based on the candidates’ skills, qualifications, experience and willingness to embrace our purpose and behaviours for success.
- Employment: attract and retain a workforce that reflects the diversity of the client and the broader communities in which we operate and provide terms and conditions of employment that are non-discriminatory.
- Diversity: foster and leverage diversity of thought, experience and skills.
- Un-bias: adopt a complaints procedure that applies principles of fairness and natural justice.
- Responsive: treat complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying seriously, impartially and confidentially.
- Supportive: encouraging the reporting of conduct that breaches this policy and any applicable law.
- Consultation: communicate this policy and related plans and procedures to our team members and stakeholders as appropriate to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities for cultural diversity.
In providing equal employment opportunity, we are flexible in accommodating the changing needs of our team members and advancing industry practice.
Procurement Policy
We are committed to delivering to the Level Crossing Removal Project procurement that achieves value for money. Our principles, processes and procedures for purchasing goods and services are based on enhancing accountability and transparency of procurement practices.
Our procurement principles
- Value for money: is considered throughout the procurement process and includes a range of financial and non-financial factors including but not limited to LXRP’s goals and objectives, environmental, social and economic aspects.
- Fair Competition: operate a secure and fair procurement process so that all prospective suppliers are treated (and seen to be treated), equally and fairly in an open and transparent manner without any bias (or perception of bias).
- Accountability: based on a consistent approach to procurement in accordance with the Procurement Management Plan. In practice this means that processes are followed, controls are applied, transactions are documented and properly authorised in accordance with the approved Delegation of Authority (DoA).
- Managing Risk: procurement is planned and carried out in a manner that will protect and enhance our capability to prevent, withstand and recover from failure to supply or interruption to the supply of goods, services and works.
- Conflict of Interest: ensure that if an employee has a private association or a perceived relationship with a supplier (with whom it is intended to do business) the employee adheres to the Code of Business Conduct guide.
- Engage with local industry: identify opportunities for local procurement of goods and services and the provisions of apprenticeships and other employment opportunities and diversity to strengthen the local economy.
- Continual Improvement: seek to encourage suppliers to review and implement initiatives and products (i.e. sustainable materials) that provide LXRP and the State benefits throughout the LXRP program. Furthermore, regularly reviewing the implementation of this policy and the effectiveness of our processes in achieving these principles.
- Communication: communicate this policy to all employees and subcontractors and ensure they are aware of their responsibilities for procurement.
In delivering the project, we will explore opportunities to demonstrate a positive procurement impact in all our construction activities and through our supply chain.
Quality Policy
We are committed to delivering to the Level Crossing Removal Project a rail upgrade and removal of the level crossings on the Southern Program Alliance, that meets requirements for whole of life quality and value for money.
We work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure the quality requirements are understood. We implement and continually improve our management system so that the quality of the products and services we deliver meet the project objectives.
Our quality practises
- Compliance: establish, implement and maintain an integrated management system that complies with AS/NZS ISO 9001 ‘Quality Management Systems – Requirements', regulatory and statutory requirements and manage internal and outsourced processes and risks to quality.
- Continual improvement: regularly document, review and revise our management system to maintain its relevance, effectiveness and continual improvement.
- Customer satisfaction: collaboratively ensure the agreed expectations of the Level Crossing Removal Project and other alliance participants as defined in the Project Alliance Agreement are satisfied. Including aligning the design with the objectives for the local area, considering and providing for a positive user experience.
- Training: ensure all team members are competent and aware of requirements and the importance of meeting them through structured induction, education and training programs.
- Responsibility: ensure all team members understand the quality requirements and their role in meeting those requirements, and are committed to achieving them individually and collectively.
- Workmanship: take pride in the work we do and endeavour to meet quality requirements the first time and by doing so, eliminate the need for re-work.
- Learning: learn from experience in pursuit of finding better ways to do things which add value.
- Consultation: communicate this policy and related plans and procedures to our team members and stakeholders as appropriate to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities and are included in the decisions affecting quality.
In delivering this policy we embrace new ideas, technology and innovations that deliver outstanding performance and advance industry practice.
Sustainability Policy
“Sustainably delivering infrastructure to improve people’s lives”
We will work with our team and supply chain to increase awareness of sustainable development outcomes and manage continual improvement to leave a positive project legacy.
Reducing resources through the delivery of these works to drive efficiencies both within the construction and operation of this project. We will achieve the following outcomes of this project through independent verification:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 5%
- Minimise waste generated by the project and recycle a minimum of 50% of construction and demolition waste
- Reduce water consumption across the infrastructure lifecycle by at least 10%
- Utilise materials with high recycled content and optimize the design to reduce the embodied environmental impact by a minimum of 5%
Community impacts of construction works, and operational outcomes, will be managed and minimised through regular and meaningful engagements on aspects that may enhance community health and wellbeing and heritage values. The Urban Design for the program will be independently reviewed to ensure best practice outcomes are delivered.
The assets we leave will be resilient to future impacts of climate change by being informed by models of climate change projections, assessing direct and indirect climate risks using a multidisciplinary team and treating all high or extreme risks and by treating 25-50% of all medium risks.
Our Supply Chain used by this Alliance will build local skills, suppliers, social enterprises and environmentally responsible product options. To achieve this the Alliance will:
- Mandate a minimum local content of 93% for all permanent works
- Apply the Victorian Government Major Project Skills Guarantee to create employment opportunities for apprentices, trainees and cadets.
- Maximise social and community benefits, including procurement through aboriginal businesses and social enterprises, developing workforce capability and increasing capacity of priority and disadvantaged groups
Governance of the sustainability outcomes will be demonstrated by the Alliance through the achievement of a certified minimum IS Version 1.2 Rating of Excellent with the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia for the program. All major works will be undertaken by contractors that have that have accreditation to ISO14001 (Environment), ISO 9001 (Quality) and AS/NZS 4801 (OH&S) and who regularly monitor their performance.
To enhance sustainability outcomes the Alliance will:
- Enhance the local environment, habitat & vegetation values to ensure we leave a positive legacy
- Support and enhance economic prosperity, social, cultural and community wellbeing
- Enhance the health and quality of life of inhabitants and the sustainability of the built environment
- Enhance heritage values
- Commit to continuously improving sustainability outcomes
We will adopt an organisational structure that includes senior leadership responsibility and accountability to the achievement of the above objectives. We will undertake regular sustainability reviews and audits to verify our level of sustainability performance.