23 June 2022

A new road bridge for Brunt Road

The Victorian Government is removing 22 dangerous level crossings, including the one at Brunt Road, Beaconsfield as part of a $15 billion investment to upgrade the Pakenham Line that will improve safety, reduce congestion and allow more trains to run more often.

The Brunt Road level crossing will be removed by building a new road bridge over the Pakenham Line, improving safety and easing congestion for the 8400 drivers passing through each day.

The boom gates at Brunt Road are down for up to 20% of the morning peak, so removing this level crossing is critical to improving safety in one of Melbourne’s fastest growing regions.

Building the road bridge alongside the existing road allows us to keep Brunt Road open for the majority of construction. It also means fewer disruptions to passengers along the Pakenham Line.

We’re building the Brunt Road bridge to the east of the existing road to minimise impacts to residents, who predominantly live to the west. It also means we can avoid endangered swamp woodland to the north west of the level crossing.

New shared use and pedestrian paths will connect to existing pedestrian links in the area, providing direct access to local schools, shops and services on either side of the rail line.

Changes to local roads

We'll need to change some local connections to build the new road bridge.

Once the road is complete, Kenilworth Avenue will no longer connect to Brunt Road as the road bridge is elevated. Copper Beech Road will instead link directly to Kenilworth Avenue.

Vehicles will still be able to access Brunt Road via Just Joey Drive. Detouring along Just Joey Drive will take an additional minute, or about 500m for drivers.

Construction on the new road bridge will start in early 2023 but access to Brunt Road from Kenilworth Avenue and Copper Beech Drive will not close until at least mid 2023.

We’re working closely with Cardinia Shire Council and key stakeholders to ensure any changes and disruptions to local traffic are minimised.

Cardinia Shire Council's Officer Precinct Structure Plan has a future connector street – Iceberg Road – linking Kenilworth Avenue to Rix Road.

Map showing changes to local roads in June

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