31 March 2020

We’re removing the dangerous and congested Clyde Road, Berwick level crossing by building a road underpass beneath the rail line.

Removing this level crossing will improve traffic flow, increase local connections and improve safety for emergency services, drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.

As with any major construction project, some noise, vibration, dust and temporary changes to traffic are unavoidable. This fact sheet explains how we manage a range of construction impacts and how we carefully consider the community.

Temporary changes to traffic

During construction there will be temporary changes to the way you travel along Clyde Road. For the most part we’ll be able to keep 1 lane open along Clyde Road in each direction, with reduced speed limits in place.

As construction ramps up, there may be road closures and detours in the area to help keep the community and our workers safe.

The duration and extent of closures and the detour routes will be determined as we move into the construction phase and we’ll let the community know well in advance of any major changes.

Traffic management will be in place to help guide you safely through the area and ensure access is maintained to homes and businesses.

We’ll provide regular updates ahead of time about any changes in the area. This means that residents, businesses, commuters and visitors are aware of any traffic changes and rail disruptions in the area and can plan their journey ahead.

Temporary walking and cycling changes

There’ll be times when pedestrian and cyclist connections will be disrupted by works.

We’ll work to ensure these disruptions are minimised and will provide temporary solutions, such as detours where possible.

When pedestrian and cycling connections are disrupted traffic management and signed detours will be in place to help guide you through the area safely and help you get to where you’re going.

How we reduce noise and vibration

To keep construction noise and vibration to a minimum, we:

  • monitor noise and vibration levels
  • work within approved construction times, generally Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and Saturdays between 7am and 1pm.
  • keep our machines in good working order.

If out of hours works are required, we’ll work with nearby local residents on a case by case basis to inform them of the works and depending on the type of works, arrange for temporary relocation.

We also offer property condition surveys at no charge to homes and businesses near our works. This helps us understand the existing condition of properties close to the works zone before we start construction.

How we reduce dust

We use a range of measures to minimise the amount of dust generated and to keep the air clean, including:

  • planning earthworks on less windy days
  • staging work to minimise the areas exposed to wind
  • covering truck loads and stockpiles
  • spraying exposed areas with water, especially on hot and windy days
  • monitoring dust levels
  • reducing the speed of construction vehicles.

If you live near the construction area, you may notice some dust while works are being undertaken, particularly on windy days.

Rail disruptions

We’ll work to ensure that closures of the Pakenham line are kept to a minimum during construction.

However, when we do need to close the rail line to undertake necessary works we consider a range of factors.

We’ll make sure to let you know well in advance of any changes to the way you travel and when closures are necessary, we’ll provide train replacement buses to ensure you can always get to your destination.

There’ll be several options for train replacement buses, including express buses and buses stopping at all stations.

Where possible, we’ll also schedule these works during off-peak periods such as during the school holidays, on public holidays and on weekends.

Want to know more?


Stay up to date on the project via our project page.

Ask us a question

Contact us anytime on 1800 105 105 or contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au