31 March 2020

We are removing the dangerous and congested Clyde Road, Berwick level crossing by building a road underpass beneath the rail line. The level crossing will be gone for good in 2022.

The Clyde Road, Berwick Level Crossing Removal Project is committed to minimising and managing impacts to local wildlife and protecting the environment.

Our commitment

We will carefully consider sustainability and our impact on the environment during the design and construction of the project.

During construction, best practice environmental management measures will be put in place to ensure we comply with relevant legislation administered by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

Additionally, the project will be assessed using the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s rating tool, which independently reviews and scores infrastructure projects in categories such as energy, resource and innovation.

Flora and fauna

What we will be planting

We will be planting native vegetation around the perimeter of the road underpass and the shared pedestrian and cyclist paths where possible. Native vegetation is best suited to the local environment and provides shade and habitat for native fauna.

What we'll be doing to reduce our impacts

We're committed to reducing emissions, saving water and using recycled and sustainable materials. We have a team dedicated to managing our environmental and sustainable practices. We have surveyed all vegetation in the project area.

This means we can ensure that we avoid removing vegetation that has significant environmental and cultural importance. We will also obtain offsets for any native vegetation removal that is required. Some small trees will need to be removed as part of the project.

The 2 Rusty Gum Myrtle trees, located along Reserve Street, will be protected.