24 April 2020

Works will soon begin on removing the dangerous and congested South Gippsland Highway, Dandenong level crossing with a road bridge.

The project will also include construction of a new signalised intersection at South Gippsland Highway and Princes Highway to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and road users.

Who will deliver the project?

An alliance of Metro Trains Melbourne and Fulton Hogan will undertake these works. The two have a strong track record as partners, currently working to remove the level crossings at Evans Road in Lyndhurst, Cardinia Road in Pakenham and Clyde Road in Berwick.

Construction and what to expect

Early works for the project will begin soon, with major construction set to begin later this year. The level crossing will be removed by 2022.

During construction, we will work to complete the project safely and efficiently while minimising impacts on the community. One way we do this is scheduling road works during non-peak hours.

A construction management plan will be developed which will identify the construction process, including disruptions. When weekend or night works are required, we will work with residents and businesses to minimise noise and other disturbances. Nearby residents and businesses will be notified of works in advance.

Will construction work lead to parts of the Pakenham line being closed for periods of time?

By building a road bridge over the rail line, we are able to minimise closures of the Pakenham line during construction and reduce disruptions to local manufacturers and the transport and freight industry – other designs would have taken up to a year longer to construct.

Closing the Pakenham line for short periods will be unavoidable to ensure that major works can be carried out safely, but we will work to ensure that they are kept to a minimum. When closures are necessary, we will provide train replacement buses so that you can always get to your destination. There will be several options for train replacement buses, including express buses and buses stopping at all stations.

Will the construction work affect traffic on surrounding roads?

In order to remove the level crossing we will need to put in place some lane closures and detours throughout the project. The duration and extent of closures and the detour routes will be determined as we move into construction. Traffic management will be in place during these times and access for local residents and businesses will be maintained at all times.

Access to all roads will be reinstated once works are complete and the level crossing has been removed.

What changes will be made to the existing road configuration?

As part of our works to remove the level crossing we will be reconfiguring the intersection of South Gippsland Highway and Princes Highway. The existing intersection will be replaced with a new signalised T-intersection, east of its current location.

This will improve vehicle movements through the area, and be safer for cyclists, pedestrians and drivers, who will no longer merge into fast flowing traffic.

Will the works be noisy? What will you do to manage noise?

As with all major projects, there will be some noise during construction. Any unavoidable works occurring at night are scheduled for safety reasons and to minimise disruption to the train network. Measures will be put in place to minimise impacts to the local community, including programming noisy works to occur during the day where possible. If your household or business is directly affected by noisy works, we will contact you to discuss options that may be available to help reduce the impact remove.

Will pedestrian and cyclist access be disrupted during the works?

There will be times when pedestrian and cyclist access will be disrupted, and we will work to ensure these disruptions are minimised. Temporary measures will include footpath closures, detours and alternative bicycle paths. Access will be reinstated following completion of the works. As we work towards a final design, we will be talking with the community about bicycle and pedestrian movements and how the design can incorporate connectivity that best meets the needs of the local community.

How can I be sure my property will not be damaged during construction?

Construction works will be undertaken using methods that minimise disturbance to the community and avoid damage to buildings and structures. Property inspections will be undertaken at properties in close proximity to construction activities, and the works will be monitored closely. Property inspection reports will be provided to property owners.

How can I learn more about the project?

The best way to stay up-to-date on the project’s progress, is to visit the project page.

You can also sign up to receive email updates on the project.

Local residents, businesses and other stakeholders will be kept up-to-date during construction through:

  • letterbox drops and doorknocks
  • local newspaper advertisements
  • social media
  • onsite information boards and station posters
  • 24-hour information line during construction.