11 March 2021
The Victorian Government made a commitment to protect the Woorayl Street Reserve and announced funding to improve the open space and provide additional parking.
As part of this project, we’ll deliver new community recreational spaces located near Girdwood Avenue and at the Woorayl Street Reserve, as well as construct 27 additional car parks on Egan Street, Carnegie.
How can I stay up to date on the project? Will I be notified about works that directly affect me?
You can keep track of the project’s progress at the Carnegie Open Space webpage.
Residents, businesses and other stakeholders will be kept up to date during the project via a range of methods, including but not limited to letterbox drops and doorknocks, email updates and social media.
How is the community being consulted?
Community consultation opened on Engage Victoria on Monday 22 February, and will remain open for 4 weeks, closing at 5pm Friday 19 March. To share your preferences about the open spaces, visit Engage Victoria to complete the survey.
In addition, the project team have door knocked on a number of residents and traders in the vicinity of the proposed works. Project information leaflets have been dropped to 2300 households.
Egan Street car park
How many car parks will be built?
We will deliver 27 new car spaces as part of the project.
Where will the car parks be located?
The car parks will be located along the south side of Egan Street, as a continuation of the existing on-street parking, beneath the elevated railway line.
Will there be time limits on car parks?
Yes, quarter hour, half hour, one hour and 2 hour parking will be provided across the new car parks, which will be monitored by Glen Eira City Council.
Will you be removing any trees to create this area?
Six small trees will be removed as part of the car park works and replaced with new trees planted behind the newly-constructed footpath.
Will I be able to park in the existing Egan Street car parks while construction is happening?
The existing car parks on Egan Street will remain open to the public while we build the new car parks.
Girdwood Avenue multipurpose recreation space
What will be delivered as part of the recreation space?
We’re creating a multipurpose recreation space at Girdwood Avenue with the following:
- half court for basketball
- seating
- new pedestrian paths connecting to existing shared use paths
- native planting.
Where is the space located?
The multipurpose recreational space will be located on Girdwood Avenue, between Djerring Trail and Princes Highway/Dandenong Road, north of the elevated rail line.
How will you ensure safety of users given the proximity to the highway?
A safety barrier will be placed behind the kerb along Dandenong Road.
The basketball court will also have a 3m high fence to keep balls off the road. The design will be to the Department of Transport’s standards.
Will the open space be safe at night?
There is existing lighting in the area, including the shared use path under the elevated rail structure and street lighting on Dandenong Road.
The area also has good passive surveillance from existing paths and roads similar to other open spaces in the area. The space considers CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) guidelines.
Will the space be lit at night?
No, the multipurpose recreation court will not have dedicated lighting to reduce the use of the court at night due to the proximity to residential homes.
There is enough lighting on the existing shared use path and Dandenong Road to ensure the safety of users.
Will you be removing any trees to create this area?
One small tree will be removed however, the design plans include supplementary indigenous planting and native landscaping around the area.
I live nearby and I’m worried about the increase in noise. What will you do to reduce this?
The recreational space has been located as far away from the residential properties on Girdwood Avenue as possible. The multipurpose recreation court will not have dedicated lighting to reduce the use of the court outside of daylight hours due to the proximity to residential area.
Woorayl Street Reserve
What will be delivered as part of the recreation space at Woorayl Street Reserve?
We propose the open space at Woorayl Street Reserve will include:
- children’s playground
- seating
- new pedestrian path connections
- native planting.
I’m worried about the proximity to the busy road, how will you ensure the safety of playground users?
The current design includes a one-metre high vertical steel fence, providing a safe separation between the playground and Woorayl Street.
Will you be removing any trees to create this area?
We'll protect the existing vegetation, including the red gum trees, and improve the space with supplementary indigenous planting and native landscaping.
Will there be rubbish bins?
Yes, there are existing rubbish bins directly adjacent to the recreational space at Carnegie Station.