25 July 2022

The Victorian Government is removing 6 dangerous and congested level crossings on the Sunbury line, and delivering the Sunbury Line Upgrade as part of an investment to improve safety, reduce congestion and run more trains, more often.

We’re removing the level crossing at Calder Park Drive in Calder Park by building a new road bridge over the rail line. This design means we can remove the level crossing sooner and it will be less disruptive for drivers and train passengers.

Calder Park Drive is one of the Sunbury line’s most congested level crossings. The boom gates can be down for 20 percent of the morning peak, causing delays for more than 10,000 vehicles each day.

Removing this level crossing will improve safety and reduce congestion in Melbourne's growing north west.

This will better connect the community, make local roads safer and journeys on the Sunbury line faster.

Why this level crossing needs to go

  • Boom gates down for up to 25 minutes in the morning peak
  • 10,000 vehicles each day
  • Three serious collisions since 2016
  • 25 trains during the morning peak

How we’re removing the level crossing

Each level crossing has its own set of characteristics to consider when preparing to remove it, including technical, environmental and community factors. At Calder Park Drive, these factors show that a road bridge is the best fit for the local area.

Throughout the design and development of this project, we looked at a range of road and rail solutions and assessed the benefits to the local community and wider transport networks.

A road under rail design would result in a longer construction time with significant disruptions to local residents, drivers and train passengers.

Why a road bridge design is the best fit for Calder Park Drive

  • Less road and rail disruptions
    • We can build the new road bridge alongside the existing road, keeping Calder Park Drive open for most of construction. This will also reduce disruptions for Sunbury line passengers.
  • Fit for future proofing
    • A road bridge design ensures future road or rail upgrades are possible, including the potential future Calder Park Drive Interchange.
  • Urban design opportunities
    • The road bridge design provides opportunity to enhance the local area, through community input into the look and feel of the new road bridge and landscaping.
  • Improves local connections
    • A road bridge ensures local streets and paths are connected for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Minimises environmental impacts
    • The design minimises impacts to important local flora and fauna.

Over the next few months, you may notice some machinery and workers in the area while we complete further site investigations. We’ll notify residents before we work.

Help shape your local area

So we can achieve the best outcome for your community, we want to know your thoughts on some of the design aspects. These include the look and feel of the new road bridge at Calder Park Drive and landscaping.

While there are some constraints that will influence parts of the design, we want to know what you value about the local area, and how you move around it, so we can reflect this in the design.

Planning approval survey

Planning approval for this project will proceed under Clause 52.03 – Level Crossing Removal Project of the Brimbank and Melton City Council Planning Schemes.

The Level Crossing Removal Project is seeking community input on a range of planning matters, including:

  • project boundary
  • construction-related impacts
  • environmental impacts
  • amenity impacts
  • native vegetation
  • heritage.

Consultation is now open and submissions can be made at Engage Victoria until Friday 5 August.

If you would like a hard copy submission form sent to you, please contact us on 1800 105 105 or email contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

All submissions received will be included in a consultation summary report which will inform the Minister for Planning’s assessment of the project under Clause 52.03.

Community feedback will help refine the final designs and we’ll provide a summary of what we heard from you.

Holden Road closure

Removing the level crossing at Calder Park Drive will improve traffic flow in the area. This means we can close the dangerous level crossing at Holden Road, making train journeys faster and local roads safer.

When it closes permanently in 2025, drivers can access the Calder Freeway via Plumpton Road or Melton Highway and Calder Park Drive – where we will have removed two level crossings to improve local connections.

We'll ensure minimal changes to local traffic, while monitoring traffic conditions closely to keep locals moving safely through the area.

Understanding the environment

We aim to minimise the impacts of our works on the local community and environment as much as possible.

Before construction begins, we’ll carry out site investigations of the area. This will help us minimise impacts on important local flora and fauna in the area, including the nearby Banchory Grove Grassland Nature Conservation Reserve.

We’ll keep you updated as site investigations progress.

Calder Park Drive interchange

Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) is undertaking planning to investigate a potential future Calder Park Drive Interchange.

MRPV is seeking solutions to make it easier and safer to get on and off the Calder Freeway, improve traffic flow and ease congestion.

Investigations include potential:

  • construction of a new freeway interchange at Calder Park Drive over the Calder Freeway
  • safety improvements to Calder Freeway, including relocating existing entrance points in the area
  • improvements to Calder Park Drive (between Calder Freeway and Melton Highway), including adding additional
  • lanes and upgrading intersections to improve traffic flow and safety in the area
  • walking and cycling paths along Calder Park Drive.

Planning work also includes traffic modelling, social studies and environmental investigations to better understand environmental and social impacts, develop design options and confirm scope and costs of different options. A business case is currently being developed and is anticipated to be finalised this year.

Sign up for updates.

Walking and cycling

A new bike and pedestrian path on the eastern side of Calder Park Drive will link to potential future walking and cycling connections along the Calder Freeway and rail corridor.

This design future proofs the area to support the growing community, while allowing for any future widening of Calder Park Drive on the western side.

Sunbury Line Upgrade

We've already removed 3 level crossings on the Sunbury line, with works underway to get rid of the Gap Road level crossing by the end of the year - making local roads safer and journeys on the Sunbury line faster.

The Sunbury Line Upgrade will see various upgrades within the rail corridor extending from Sunbury to Footscray.

These enhancements are needed to take full advantage of the extra capacity created by the Metro Tunnel and for more modern trains to run on the Sunbury Line.

There will be disruptions over the coming months while we work. Visit our interactive disruptions map to find out if you're affected.

Project timeline

Late 2021 to mid 2022

  • Early site investigations
  • Community consultation

Early to mid 2023

  • Designs updated based on community feedback
  • Contract award
  • Early works

Late 2023

  • Major construction starts


  • Level crossings removed
  • Holden Road closed