25 August 2019

The Victorian Government is removing the four level crossings between Bell Street, Coburg and Moreland Road, Brunswick.


These level crossings will be removed by raising the rail line over the road, with construction starting later this year, the boom gates gone in 2020 and the project complete in 2021. Removing these level crossings will make communities safer, more connected and get commuters in Melbourne’s north home sooner.

The Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) has developed a set of guidelines based on the Residential Development Standards (ResCode) which will be used by the project to determine the height and location of screens.

Screening will be installed along the new elevated corridor to minimise views from the train line into houses and backyards.

Type of screening

Two types of screening will be used throughout the rail corridor, attached to the side of the elevated structure.

Privacy screens

These screens will be installed along the elevated structure to minimise the ability for passengers to look into residential houses or backyards from trains travelling along the corridor.

The height of privacy screens will vary depending on the height and proximity of a property to the elevated structure.

Where residential properties directly abut the elevated structure, the height of privacy screening will be 1.2 metres from the top of the elevated structure. This means the screen will extend halfway up the train window.

Where the elevated structure is adjacent to multi-storey properties, the height of the privacy screening will be assessed. Where it is determined that higher privacy screening is required, 1.7 metre high screens will be installed. This would see the screens extend the full height of the train window.

Architectural screens

These screens will be installed along the corridor where privacy screening is not required, to maintain a consistent visual treatment along the elevated structure.

Where screening heights vary along the corridor, transition screening will be used.