25 April 2021
About the Cherry Street and Werribee Street Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG)
The SLG provides local perspectives and insights throughout the construction phase of the project. While it has no formal decision-making power, the purpose of the SLG is to ensure that local communities have a voice on issues that may impact them during construction.
The SLG will assist the project team by providing:
- a local perspective, particularly in relation to minimising construction impacts on the community
- information to the community about the project and its construction
- local knowledge to discussions about the construction program
The SLG will consist of community members who represent the views and interests of residents, business owners and community organisations.
Executive summaries
Meeting Six – 20 April 2021
Independent facilitator provided an Acknowledgement of Country and welcomed members to the fourth meeting of the Werribee Street and Cherry Street Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG).
A general update was provided, summarising:
- Major road disruptions in March and April around Werribee and Cherry streets.
- Old Geelong Road Level Crossing Removal Project preparing for beams to be lifted and installed to form the new road bridge.
- The second phase of the Aviation Road Level Crossing Removal Project works have commenced.
- Ferguson Street Level Crossing Removal Project site establishment is underway.
- Buses will replace trains on the Werribee Line from 29 April to 6 May.
Project managers provided a construction update on Cherry Street and Werribee Street:
- The tracks have now been removed from the Werribee Street intersection and the road
- resurfaced.
- Landscaping and construction on the Werribee Street open space continues, with progress on the skate park beneath the rail bridge.
- The road bridge connecting Tarneit Road to Princes Highway opened to traffic in March 2021.
- Pedestrians and cyclists can now use the new well-lit underpass to cross the rail line near the former Cherry Street level crossing.
- The public artwork at the new underpass is titled ‘Community Recordings’ by artist Richard Briggs and will be installed in the northern and southern plazas of the Cherry Street pedestrian and cyclist underpass.
- 130 new car parks will be built near Bunnings Werribee as part of the Car Park for Commuters program.
The Project team shared information about upcoming disruptions throughout May and June.
LXRP answered questions from the SLG members regarding:
- Cherry Street pedestrian and cyclist underpass artwork.
- Landscaping at Cherry and Werribee streets.
- Traffic disruptions.
Meeting Five – 9 February 2021
Independent facilitator provided an Acknowledgement of Country and welcomed members to the fourth meeting of the Werribee Street and Cherry Street Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG).
A general update was provided covering:
- Signalling fault on Werribee line in December 2020
- Removal of the Werribee Street level crossing, the 45th removed in Melbourne
- Cherry Street level crossing will be removed ahead of schedule by Easter
- Old Geelong Road level crossing removal now in major construction
- Ferguson Street site establishment underway
Project managers provided a construction update on Cherry Street and Werribee Street:
- Works to prepare the roads for Cherry Street closing and the new road bridge opening will take place, including widening of Tarneit Road, extension of the turning lane from Princes Highway onto Cherry Street and changes to Tower Road turns.
- The Cherry Street level crossing removal project will build 130 commuter car parks with safety features, including lighting and CCTV
- The Werribee Street level crossing was officially removed at the end of January
- The project will now work to construct new open space beneath the rail bridge and resurface Werribee Street
The LXRP team talked through details of new open space designs for underneath the rail bridge at Werribee Street.
LXRP shared information about upcoming disruptions throughout February, March and April.
LXRP covered questions from the SLG members including:
- Intersection and traffic improvements at Werribee Street
- Further detail about the Werribee Street open space designs
- Queries about how emergency services are briefed about project works and disruptions
Meeting Four – 8 December 2020
Independent facilitator provided an Acknowledgement of Country and welcomed members to the fourth meeting of the Werribee Street and Cherry Street Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG).
The action which was raised regarding Tower Road traffic data in the previous SLG meeting on 13 October remains open.
- A general update was provided covering:
- Victorian Big Build Summer disruptions announcement
- Recent Geelong Fast Rail announcement
- Final designs released for Ferguson Street, Williamstown
- Old Geelong Road, Hoppers Crossing works progress
- Aviation Road, Laverton to recommence works in early 2021
- Buses will continue to replace trains on the Werribee line for an additional week following an unexpected signal failure
Project managers provided a construction update on Cherry Street and Werribee Street:
- At Cherry Street, works continue on the pedestrian underpass including drainage and stairs casting
- Works at the Wattle Avenue and Princes Highway, and Tarneit Road and Railway Avenue intersections are progressing well Cherry Street information hub has been installed at Werribee Station
- New rail bridge video of progress works at Werribee Street
- Details of Werribee Street L-beams installation shared with group
- Announced new 2021 project completion date for Werribee Street, well ahead of the original 2022 target
LXRP shared information about upcoming disruptions and outlined the limited movements between Princes Highway and Wattle Avenue until mid 2021 and upcoming closure of the Wattle Avenue intersection.
LXRP also informed the group that Railway Avenue will be closed in early January for four weeks. Highlighted that information will be distributed to the community and residents in early 2021 in advance of Werribee Street disruptions in January.
LXRP provided an update on activities coming up in 2021.
- Continuing works on Cherry Street pedestrian underpass including landscaping in the plaza areas
- Boom gate removals on both projects
- Installation of public art at Werribee Street and Cherry Street
- Designs to be released for Werribee Street open areas ahead of construction starting in early 2021
LXRP covered questions from the SLG members including:
- Traffic set ups for Wattle Avenue and Tower Road
- Information hub at Werribee Station
- Distribution of upcoming Community Update
Meeting Three – 13 October 2020
Independent facilitator provided an Acknowledgement of Country and welcomed members to the third meeting of the Werribee Street and Cherry Street Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG).
LXRP provided a general update on addressing:
- Open space development beneath the Werribee Street rail bridge
- Announcement of phase two works of the Aviation Road level crossing removal project
- Recommencement of works at the Old Geelong Road site
- Text message and emails sent out for project updates
Project manager provided a construction update on Cherry Street and Werribee Street:
- Shared aerial drone footage from the Cherry Street site
- Cherry Street pedestrian underpass works update
- Nearby Southern Rural Water (SRW) project works
- SRW channel retaining wall Installation on Cherry Street
- 62 days into the Werribee Street rail occupation
- 12 L-beams for casting and three headstocks for installation remain on Werribee Street
LXRP shared information about upcoming disruptions and noted the staged approach to undertaking the intersection upgrade works on Wattle Avenue and Princes Highway. Upcoming access changes between Tower Road and Princes Highway were also addressed.
LXRP provided an update on engagement throughout September and advised that regular distribution partners for letterbox drops had been reinstated.
A range of social and sustainability initiatives implemented across LXRP project sites were shared:
- Fundraising for the Werribee Men’s Shed
- Wyndham Food bank donation
- A new five stream recycling bin system
LXRP covered questions from the SLG members including:
- Shared user path design
- Cycle routes
- Traffic flow
- CCTV and safety
Meeting Two – 1 September 2020
Independent facilitator welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted use of the new platform.
Actions which were raised in the previous SLG meeting were all completed and reviewed by the project team.
A general update was provided covering:
- Changes to working under stage 4 restrictions including additional cleaning practices and social distancing measures on site
- Changes to managing communications and engagement
- Summary of the previous August occupation
Project manager provided a construction update on Cherry Street and Werribee Street, including upcoming major works:
- Pedestrian underpass and bridge works on Cherry Street
- New signalised intersections at Tarneit Road, Railway Avenue, Wattle Avenue and Princes Highway
- Southern Rural Water Channel relocation works update
- New temporary freight track installation at Werribee Street
- Upcoming piling works, earthworks and excavation at Werribee Street
- Delivery of L-Beams to Werribee site
An engagement summary from the August disruption campaign was provided and SLG members were asked for suggestions for how LXRP can further engage with the community under Covid restrictions.
Suggestions included:
- Distributing communications materials through local community groups, Council, local clubs
- Engagement with primary and secondary schools
- Online engagement sessions with project managers
- Milestone updates
- Use of drones
Meeting One – 28 July 2020
The first meeting welcomed the Cherry Street and Werribee Street Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG) members, project team and external facilitators.
The SLG was presented with construction updates from the Cherry Street and Werribee Street project managers addressing works to date and a construction lookahead.
Guest speaker Hon. Tim Pallas welcomed and acknowledged the SLG and LXRP attendees, recognising and thanking all for their participation.
LXRP provided an overview of upcoming disruptions in Werribee, including the extended August occupation and associated impacts with the Werribee Street closure.
LXRP provided an overview of managing communications and engagement under Covid-19 guidelines and the channels and methods being used to communicate construction impacts and disruptions with the community.
SLG members were encouraged to share project information with their local networks and LXRP agreed to forward communication materials to SLG group members for distribution in the community.