26 September 2023

Removing every level crossing on the Werribee Line

We're getting rid of all the level crossings on the Werribee Line and building a brand new Spotswood Station. With no level crossings on the line, journeys will be faster and local roads safer.

We’re removing the Hudsons Road level crossing with a rail bridge and building a brand new Spotswood Station with better facilities for passengers. This design creates more opportunity for open space and better walking and cycling connections. The level crossing will be gone for good by 2028.

We’re removing the Maddox Road level crossing by building a rail bridge over the road, improving safety, and reducing congestion.

We'll close the nearby level crossing at Champion Road and build a new link road to keep vehicles moving between Maddox Road and Champion Road, improving safety, and cutting travel times, especially during peak periods. Champion Road will be closed when the Maddox Road level crossing is removed in 2026.

The Victorian Government is committed to making the Werribee Line level crossing free. As a key strategic priority it ensures safety and reliability for the network and is critical to the success of future projects.

The Metro Tunnel is on track to open in 2025, a year ahead of schedule. This will allow more trains to run more often on the Werribee Line.

If we don't remove Maddox Road level crossing and close Champion Road, this will significantly increase safety risks and congestion with boom gates down for 70 percent of peak periods.

If we could avoid closing the Champion Road level crossing, we would. The only feasible design for this location is to close the crossing and build a new link road to keep vehicles moving.

Why these level crossings need to go

  • Up to 48 trains during the morning peak (7am to 9am)
  • Over 17,000 vehicles each day
  • Improved safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists
  • Werribee Line level crossing free by 2023
  • Making Melbourne's busiest train lines level crossing free to improve journey times and service reliability across the network.

Developing the best designs

Each level crossing has its own set of characteristics to consider when preparing to remove it. A design that may suit one area may not necessarily suit another. Designs are assessed and developed by teams of technical experts including engineers and construction specialists.

Benefits of removing the level crossings

  • Improvements to the road network to enhance safety
  • Better walking and cycling connections
  • More reliable travel times with no boom gate delays
  • New open space and landscaping opportunities
  • Allows more trains, more often
  • Connects the community by removing the constraints of the rail line
  • Rail bridge design minimises disruptions
  • Reduces noise with new rail infrastructure.

Hudsons Road, Spotswood

We’re removing the dangerous and congested level crossing at Hudsons Road by building a rail bridge over the road, along with a new Spotswood Station.

The level crossing will be gone for good by 2028.

Why a rail bridge is the best design

  • Provides the community with a new station and better facilities.
  • Enables opportunities for new community open space.
  • Creates new walking and cycling connections, improving active transport.
  • Minimises disruptions during construction.
  • Minimises potential acquisition of homes and businesses.

We'll ensure any improvements to the local road network keep the network operating safely and efficiently, now and in the future.

The Victorian Government is removing 110 level crossings across Melbourne with 72 already gone. In addition to this, 11 level crossings are being closed where nearby level crossing free pathways exist across the rail line, including for the Frankston, Lilydale, Pakenham and Sunbury lines.

Maddox Road, Newport

A new rail bridge at Maddox Road, Newport will provide the best outcome for the community with the level crossing removed in 2026.

Why a rail bridge is the best design

  • More opportunities for new community open space.
  • Minimises impacts to Newport Train Stabling Yards, critical for keeping the Werribee Line and freight services moving.
  • Minimises impacts to oil and gas pipelines.
  • Minimises potential acquisition of homes and heritage listed buildings.
  • Enables future rail projects to support population growth.
  • Creates better walking and cycling connections.

Champion Road, Newport

The only feasible design for this location is to close the level crossing and build a new link road to keep vehicles moving between Maddox Road and Champion Road.

We'll close the Champion Road level crossing in 2026, following the opening of the link road and the new Maddox Road rail bridge which is only 500 metres away.

Why a closure is the only feasible design

To avoid longer boom gate downtimes and to enable future rail projects that support population growth, the level crossing at Champion Road needs to be removed. There are 3 main technical constraints at this site that have ruled out raising or lowering the train line or the road.

Technical constraints at Champion Road

Newport Train Stabling Yards

These yards are one of the busiest in Melbourne and vital in keeping the Werribee Line and freight services moving. A bridge or trench is not possible as it would prevent trains getting in and out of the stabling yards. Any modifications would cause massive disruptions to the network.

Underground pipelines

There are numerous critical oil and gas pipelines and other underground utilities located along and across the rail line. Many of these utilities help fuel Melbourne's industry and need to be avoided.

Land acquisition

We aim to avoid the acquisition of homes and businesses where possible. Due to the existing road alignment and roundabout near the crossing, road based designs are not feasible. They would cut off access to homes, businesses and heritage listed buildings, requiring extensive acquisition.

Map showing Newport and Spotswood level crossings

How we engage with the community

Visions and values

We start by talking to the community about how you move around the area and how you would like to use the space in the future.

Concept designs

We'll release the initial design and ask for your feedback. You'll have the opportunity to help refine the designs.

Updated designs

We'll show you updated designs shaped by your feedback.


We work with the community and local traders to help manage any disruption caused by our works.

Hear from the team

Want to learn more? We're holding in person information sessions about the Newport and Spotswood projects in October.

Come along to speak with the project team and learn more about these projects.

Sessions will be held on:

  • Saturday 21 October 10am to 1pm
  • Saturday 28 October 10am to 1pm
  • Thursday 2 November 5pm to 8pm

All sessions will be held in the Newport Community Hub at 13-15 Masons Street, Newport.

There will be three, 45 minute sessions on each day, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to speak with the team.

To book your spot at a session please go to TryBooking.

Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG)

Stakeholder Liaison Groups are an important way we connect with the community to help shape our projects.

We’ll establish an SLG for the Spotswood and Newport level crossing projects to share local perspectives and insights, particularly in relation to managing construction impacts. The group will also assist in providing project information and updates to the community.

We’ll call for nominations as the project progresses to create a group that reflects the local community, including residents, businesses owners and local community groups.

Sign up for email updates to be notified when SLG registrations open.

Next steps for the Spotswood and Newport level crossings

We’ve recently heard from the local Newport community about how you move around the area and what’s important.

Thank you to everyone who completed the vision and values survey. Your feedback will help shape the project as design development continues. We asked how you used the area, what you most valued about Newport and what you wanted to see improved.

The consultation summary is now available, and you can read all the details on our website.


We’re in the planning stages for the Hudsons Road project and new Spotswood Station. We're looking forward to speaking with locals about their new community spaces in the future.


Site investigations are ongoing until the end of the year. We’ll come back to the community with more information and concept designs early next year. This will include opportunities to help shape key elements of the design, like walking and cycling connections, landscaping and open space.

Project timeline

Late 2022

  • Project announced


  • Vision and values engagement (Newport)
  • Early site investigations and planning (Newport)


  • Concept designs (Newport)
  • Community feedback to inform ongoing design and planning (Newport)
  • Construction starts (Newport)


  • Vision and values Engagement (Spotswood)
  • Concept designs released and community engagement (Spotswood)


  • Maddox Road level crossing removed
  • New link road opens and Champion Road level crossing closed.
  • Construction starts (Spotswood)


  • Hudsons Road level crossing removed
  • New Spotswood Station opens


  • Werribee Line level crossing free