26 September 2023

Understanding the site

We are removing the level crossing at Maddox Road by building a rail bridge over the road. We'll close the nearby level crossing at Champion Road and build a new link road to keep vehicles moving between Maddox Road and Champion Road, improving safety, and creating more reliable travel times.

The Victorian Government is committed to making the Werribee Line level crossing free. As a key strategic priority it ensures safety and reliability for the network and is critical to the success of future projects.

If we could avoid closing the road we would, but engineering assessments show a closure is the only feasible way to remove this level crossing. We'll close the Champion Road level crossing in 2026, following the opening of the new Maddox Road rail bridge and link road.

This brochure explains the designs that were ruled out and the criteria we used to assess designs.

View the full publication by downloading the PDF.

If you require assistance in accessing or understanding this report, please contact us at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au or call 1800 105 105.