31 July 2023
We’re relocating critical utility services in Tullamarine to make space for Melbourne Airport Rail.
We will work in two stages to minimise road disruption, digging trenches along each side of Tullamarine Park Road to relocate utility services out of the way of the future elevated tracks that will carry airport trains.
When we’ll be working
We’ll be working from May to August 2023. Work hours are Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm, 7am to 1pm, Saturday. Any out of hours works will be notified ahead of time.
The timing of work may change depending on weather and ground conditions.
What we'll be doing
- Establishing a site compound at 14 Snyder Court, Tullamarine
- Installing fencing to create safe work areas
- Digging trenches along Tullamarine Park Road and across Beverage Drive for the relocation of underground services
- Digging trenches across Snyder Court at night for the relocation of underground services
- Removing trees and vegetation from works areas
What to be aware of
Stage 1 – From May 2023
There will be a westbound road closure on Tullamarine Park Road between Allied Drive and Beverage Drive commencing in May 2023.
- A traffic detour will be in place for westbound traffic via Tullamarine Park Road eastbound, Sharps Road and Keilor Park Drive
- Beverage Drive will be closed at the eastern intersection of Tullamarine Park Road for two weeks. We will notify businesses of the closure beforehand
- The western intersection of Beverage Drive will remain open at all times
- Snyder Court will remain open with traffic controllers to assist with truck and vehicle movements
- Tullamarine Park Road eastbound will remain open.
Stage 2
Following the completion of the Stage 1 westbound closure, there will be an eastbound road closure on Tullamarine Park Road between Saligna Drive and the Airport Drive overpass.
- A traffic detour will be in place for eastbound traffic via Assembly Drive, Saligna Drive and Sharps Road
- Tullamarine Park Road westbound will remain open
- Driveway access may be temporarily disrupted at times. We will notify businesses of any access changes
- Access into Saligna Drive will be maintained
- Businesses will be advised of road closures in advance of works commencing
- On road signage will be in place to assist with wayfinding and electronic signage will advise of work durations
- Some night works will be required and we will notify businesses ahead of time
- Some on street parking on Tullamarine Park Road and Saligna Drive will be closed at times to allow safe access to work zones
- Works will generate moderate levels of noise, dust and vibration
- Roads and driveways will be reinstated when works are complete
- There will be temporary changes to Bus Route 482 (to Melbourne Airport) and closure of two bus stops on Tullamarine Park Road.