7 June 2023
Project start date: February 2023
Project end date: December 2023
Key milestones: in order they will be undertaken | Key tasks: tasks required to achieve this milestone | Performance indicators: what will show that you have completed the task? | Date to be completed | Additional information |
Advisory committee | Establish an advisory committee to provide guidance for the duration of the project. | Project committee formed/established. Terms of Reference adopted. Meeting agenda and minutes prepared and documented. | February 2023 | |
Program content | Prepare activity content, resources and finalise project plan. Present resource to advisory committee. | Activity purpose reviewed and project plan finalised. Draft resources developed and presented to the advisory committee. | March 2023 | Send to manager for review |
Venue | Book venues and facilitators. Organises program lunch and morning tea. | Venue for consultation and facilitators confirmed. Program lunch and morning tea booked. | March 2023 | Budget $500 |
Promotion | Create promotional material. Distribute flyer to partners and interested organisations. | Promotional material designed and printed. Promotional material distributed via networks and contacts. | March 2023 | Budget $300 |
Consultation | Host stakeholder consultation. forums and evaluate sessions. | Consultation sessions delivered and evaluated. Consultation findings documented. | March 2023 | |
Community event | Finalise resources and host community launch event. | Resources printed and distributed to relevant stakeholders. Launch event held. | April 2023 | Send flyer to stakeholders |
Program delivery | Deliver full program. | Run the program and associated activities. | April –November 2023 | |
Evaluation | Evaluate the project activity. | Project activity evaluated. Findings presented to the advisory committee with recommendations regarding next steps. | November 2023 | |
Acquittal report | Submit acquittal report and receipts. | Project Completion Report submitted via SmartyGrants. | December 2023 |