1 March 2019
The following documents provide updated information to assist submitters in reviewing the EES and preparing their submissions. This includes information prepared in response to ongoing stakeholder engagement by the North East Link Project and requests for additional information made at the community information sessions on the EES.
It also includes corrected figures in Chapter 9 - Traffic and transport and Technical report B - Air quality of the EES. In addition, Appendices B, D and I to Technical report O Contamination and Soil are provided below.
Peer review of the traffic and transport strategic model
The traffic and transport strategic model used to estimate traffic volumes in the EES has been independently peer reviewed by Luis Willumsen of Willumsen Advisory Services.
Overview of Social Impacts of the North East Link Project
Figures in Chapter 9 - Traffic and transport
Figures 9-5, 9-6, 9-7, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, 9-28, 9-29, 9-30, 9-33, 9-34 and 9-35 of Chapter 9 - Traffic and transport in some cases show only one way traffic volumes and in some cases show two way volumes but in the wrong direction. These errors have been corrected in the revised figures which can be accessed below.
These revised figures do not change the findings of the study or any text in the chapter. The figures are consistent with the figures contained in Technical report A Traffic and transport.
Figures and tables in Technical report B - Air quality
There is an error in the legend to Figures 109, 110, 114, 115 and 116 of Technical report B. These errors have been corrected in the revised figures which can be accessed here:
Table 38 of Technical report B does not correctly show the PM10 emission factor for the HCV vehicle class. This error has been corrected in the revised figure which can be accessed below.
Table 67 and the immediately preceding paragraph in section 11.1 of Technical report B has been revised to more accurately describe the predicted traffic changes for the project. The revised figure and the revised paragraph in section 11.1 of Technical report B can be accessed below.
Figures 1 and 5 of Appendix F to Technical report B do not correctly show the pollutant emission rates for PM2.5 and NO2 for the north bound quadrant. The revised figures can be accessed below.