9 October 2023

Design Update: Urban Design and Landscape Plan

We’re upgrading the Eastern Freeway with new express lanes, new traffic management technology and Melbourne’s first dedicated busway. These changes will slash travel times and improve public transport in Melbourne’s east.

We’ll also be building new and upgraded walking and cycling paths, bridges and underpasses, upgrading Koonung Creek Reserve, revitalising wetlands and waterways and planting new trees and plants. The upgrades will also deliver a better noise standard for the Eastern Freeway, with new and upgraded noise walls.

The Eastern Freeway Upgrades will be delivered in 3 stages, with major works from Burke Road to Tram Road starting in 2024.

Before we get major construction for this first stage underway, we’re exhibiting an Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) to ask the local community what they think of the look and feel of what’s planned for their local area.

UDLPs for the remaining stages of the Eastern Freeway Upgrades will be on exhibition from 2024.

When complete, the Eastern Freeway Upgrades will connect seamlessly with the new 6.5km North East Link Tunnels – linking Melbourne’s east with the Ring Road, slashing travel times by 35 minutes and taking 15,000 trucks off local roads a day.

Eastern Freeway Upgrades near you

  • 6 new express lanes
  • 10km of walking and cycling paths
  • 1.8 million new trees and plants
  • 11km of new and upgraded noise walls
  • 43,700m² of revitalised Koonung Creek wetlands

In response to community feedback, the UDLP includes extensive reinstatement to rebuild and reimagine parklands, wetlands and waterways and return improved open spaces where it is needed to support construction. 

We’ve also reduced the width of the freeway at Valda Wetlands and will be building additional walking and cycling connections.

Maps in this fact sheet

  • Burke Road to Musca Street (UDLP on exhibition now)
  • Estelle Street bridge to Tram Road (UDLP on exhibition now)
  • Eastern Freeway/North East Link Tunnels interchange (UDLP exhibited May 2022)

To view the Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) in detail, visit Engage Victoria.

Download the fact sheet to view the maps in this fact sheet in detail.

Download the fact sheet

New noise walls for Musca Street Reserve

New noise walls will provide noise protection for the reserve and nearby residents.

New Estelle Street bridge

A new, architecturally designed bridge will improve walking and cycling connections to Koonung Creek Reserve.

In response to community feedback, the new bridge will be built and open before the existing bridge is removed.

Upgraded Koonung Creek Reserve and Koonung Creek Trail

Extensive reinstatement works will increase the number of trees and plants and improve the health of the Koonung Creek wetlands.

The design includes:

  • new indigenous and native trees and plants
  • a new dry creek bed to collect and clean stormwater for a healthier Koonung Creek and Yarra River system
  • new nature play areas and reinstated picnic shelters and seating
  • new noise walls screened with new trees and plants
  • an upgraded Koonung Creek Trail with pedestrian paths through the reserve and wetland area.

New Doncaster Road interchange

Doncaster Road bridge will be rebuilt to improve trips for cars, buses, pedestrians and bikes.

The bridge will be widened for extra turning space and improved walking and cycling paths.

Upgraded Koonung Creek Trail underpass

The existing Koonung Creek Trail underpass at Doncaster Road linking Koonung Creek Reserve to Valda Wetlands will be upgraded for a wider, brighter connection.

New express busway connection

New busway lanes will pass underneath Doncaster Road, skipping the traffic lights and taking passengers straight through to the future upgraded Doncaster Park & Ride.

New Doncaster Park & Ride underpass

A new Koonung Creek Trail underpass to take bike riders and pedestrians to Doncaster Park & Ride and express bus services will also be built.

Reimagined Valda Wetlands

Valda Wetlands will be reconfigured, expanded and joined with a rebuilt Koonung Creek.

The 43,700m² wetland precinct will be reimagined as a living waterway with indigenous trees and plants, new seating areas, interpretive signs and new and upgraded pedestrian paths.

New Heyington Avenue bridge

A new bridge will improve walking and cycling connections to the Valda Wetlands. In response to community feedback, we’ve improved the bridge design for a shorter, more direct crossing.

New noise walls for Elgar Park

New noise walls will give the sports fields and nearby residents traffic noise protection.

Designs for the upgraded Doncaster Park & Ride will be exhibited in a dedicated UDLP next year.

Connecting to the North East Link Tunnels

The Eastern Freeway Upgrades will connect to the new 6.5km North East Link Tunnels from Bulleen to Watsonia and a completed Ring Road in Greensborough.

Designs for the Eastern Freeway/North East Link Tunnels interchange, including improvements to Koonung Creek Reserve in Balwyn North, were exhibited in May 2022 in the North East Link Tunnels UDLP.

The UDLP was updated in response to community feedback and work to build the North East Link Tunnels has started. Work to start building the interchange with the Eastern Freeway will begin in early 2024.

We’ve made some further updates to walking and cycling paths in the interchange area, including to align with Boroondara Council’s Koonung Creek Reserve Master Plan. The updates are included in the UDLP on exhibition for comment now.

A better noise standard for the Eastern Freeway

The Eastern Freeway Upgrades will deliver a new 63 decibel noise standard along the Eastern Freeway.

The 63 decibel noise standard is consistent with the highest level of traffic noise protection in Victoria.

In response to community feedback we’re also introducing a new, quieter 58 decibel standard to provide residents with even greater protection from traffic noise at night – a first for a road project in Victoria.

Where possible, we’ll be keeping or upgrading existing noise walls to reduce construction disruption for residents.

Where new noise walls are needed, they will be between 3m and 10m tall and designed to protect privacy while allowing natural light.

Colours for new noise walls are drawn from the local environment using a natural palette including earthy soil and rock. Materials include a mix of textured concrete, weathering steel, recycled plastic and semi-transparent acrylic where natural light is needed.

Koonung Creek Reserve Master Plan

We’ve been working closely with Boroondara Council to prepare a master plan for Koonung Creek Reserve.

The plan shows council's long-term, strategic vision for the future of the whole of Koonung Creek Reserve in Balwyn North.

As we reinstate the areas of the reserve needed to build the Eastern Freeway Upgrades, we’ll deliver key parts of the master plan. This includes the walking and cycling paths, replacement fitness stations, shelters and new landscaping. You can see some of these elements in the UDLP on exhibition now.

Upgrading the Eastern Freeway

While we’re refining the design through the Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP), you’ll see us out and about getting ready for major works to begin in early 2024.

You’ll also see us getting ready to begin major works for the Eastern Freeway/North East Link Tunnels interchange.

To stay up to date on works in your area, sign up for e-updates.

The Eastern Freeway Upgrades will be delivered in stages and timed to open around the same time as the North East Link Tunnels from Bulleen to Watsonia and the Ring Road Completion from Watsonia to Greensborough.


Download the fact sheet to view the North East Link construction timeline.

Download the fact sheet

Tree planting program

To build the new express lanes, busway, noise walls and walking and cycling bridges, trees will need to be removed where we’re working.

For every tree removed, at least 2 will be planted, including extensive planting to reinstate Koonung Creek Reserve and Valda Wetlands and to filter views of noise walls.

We’ve also started planting trees early in local places nearby including parks, reserves and schools.

  • 10,000+ new trees will be planted for the Eastern Freeway Upgrades from Burke Road to Tram Road.

Comment on the Urban Design and Landscape Plan

The UDLP for the Eastern Freeway Upgrades from Burke Road to Tram Road is on exhibition now.

The UDLP has maps and drawings of the project design and an explanation of how it meets strict requirements in place for North East Link.

Making a submission is your opportunity to have a say on local design elements for your area including reinstated parklands and wetlands, new and upgraded walking and cycling paths and bridges, and new noise walls.

We'll be using what we hear to finalise the UDLP before submitting it to the Minister for Planning for approval and getting major construction underway.

Where to see the plan

You can find out more about the UDLP and see a copy online from Monday 9 October to 5pm, Sunday 29 October 2023 at Engage Victoria.

You can also visit an information display and talk with our team, or see the UDLP at local libraries throughout the exhibition period.

To find a UDLP display location near you visit Engage Victoria.

Visit Engage Victoria

How to make a submission

Make your submission online at Engage Victoria by 5pm, Sunday 29 October 2023.

If you need help accessing the UDLP, or to make a submission, please contact us on 1800 105 105 or at community@northeastlink.vic.gov.au

Please contact us if you would like this information in an accessible format. If you need assistance due to a hearing or speech impairment, contact Relay Service.

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