19 May 2023

Below is a summary of the information in this document. To read the full document, open the accessible PDF file.

About the report

Each year, the North East Link Program reports on our sustainability performance.

Our commitment to public reporting drives accountability and transparency of sustainability outcomes across our program and supply chain.

This report covers the calendar year 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. Subsequent reports will be released annually for each calendar year.

This is the first year we are reporting on the status of our sustainability objectives and targets. This will enable us to present our progress each year and in future reports compare performance over time.

This report covers any package of works which has been in delivery for more than 6 months in 2022. The status of sustainability performance presented in this report is cumulative and accurate as of November 2022. We aim to achieve all listed construction targets by the end of construction in 2028.

2022 overview

2022 was a big year for North East Link Program. We set up major work compounds for the North East Link Tunnels, ordered the project’s tunnel boring machines, finished moving almost 100 utilities and continued building Bulleen Park & Ride.

Two world-class consortia were selected as the preferred bidders for the next stages of the North East Link Program – the upgrade of the first section of the Eastern Freeway and the completion of the M80 Ring Road.

We also went to market to seek Expressions of Interest for partners to upgrade other sections of the Eastern Freeway – with the program set to deliver upgrades from Hoddle Street to Springvale Road.

With so much going on from procurement through to construction, our teams have worked hard to make sure sustainability outcomes are embedded in our designs and seen through to construction and operation.

We’ve set ambitious targets and benchmarks with our construction partners, and have already delivered some great sustainability outcomes for the community.

We’ve used low-carbon materials in our concrete piling and rail works to reduce our carbon footprint, and have incorporated cutting-edge sustainable design into our Bulleen Park & Ride and Motorway Control Centre.

As we build North East Link, we’re implementing new initiatives to make a positive contribution to community wellbeing – with community grants to support local areas during construction, programs to connect people with jobs, and partnerships to embed Indigenous heritage in our designs.

With the deadline for our sustainability targets set for the end of construction in 2028, it’s pleasing to see such momentum already. We look forward to continuing to share the results in sustainability reports in the years to come.

Our sustainability targets

This report presents the status of North East Link Program’s performance against our sustainability objectives and targets in 2022.

We set our ambitious targets back in 2019 based on input from stakeholders and the community, as well as technical sustainability assessments.

1. Leadership

Achieve excellent environmental, social and economic outcomes across all phases of North East Link.

2. Resource efficiency

Embedding energy, water, material and waste reduction initiatives into the design, construction and operation of the program.

3. Urban ecosystems

Protecting and seeking opportunities to enhance natural environments.

4. Communities

Making a positive contribution to social, cultural and community health and wellbeing.

5. Economic opportunities

Facilitating opportunities for economic development, provide a skilled local workforce and promote diversity and inclusion.

6. Climate change

Playing a part in Victoria achieving its emission reduction targets while preparing for the challenges presented by climate change.

Key milestones in developing our Sustainability Objectives and Targets


Community feedback surveys on North East Link priorities and objectives.

December 2018

Sustainability workshop with Councils and state government agencies.

March 2019

Sustainability workshop with community environment groups.

April 2019

Technical assessments of greenhouse gas footprint and renewable energy options.

April to June 2019

North East Link Environment Effects Statement on public exhibition. This included our Sustainability Approach which details our local, regional, and global sustainability context.

July 2019

Published sustainability objectives and targets on North East Link website.

2019 to 2021

Incorporated sustainability targets into delivery partner contracts.

December 2021

Published 2021 Sustainability Snapshot on North East Link website.

July 2022

Sustainability targets briefing with Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Corporation (the Wurundjeri).

2023 (we are here)

Published 2022 Annual Sustainability Report.


North East Link opens.

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