20 February 2025

From 7 February for up to 5 months, Lower Plenty Road will be reduced to one lane between Greensborough Road and Crew Street as part of Lower Plenty Road widening works.

During these works, on-street parking will also be removed and delays of up to 15 minutes may be experienced during peak times.

Once complete, a wider Lower Plenty Road will make it easier to access the new Greensborough Road Boulevard, reducing congestion and increasing safety for road users.

What we're doing

Works will occur Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm, and on Saturdays from 7am to 1pm, and include:

  • Relocation of underground drainage
  • The use of road saws, a vacuum truck and excavators
  • Building the foundations of the 2 new gantries

Access in and out of Graham Road

Access to and from Graham Road, will be left in, left out only during these works.

Bus stop closure on route 513 Glenroy via Lower Plenty Road

The Borlase Street and Kambea Crescent bus stops, on route 513 Glenroy via Lower Plenty Road, will be closed during these works. Alternative bus stops are available nearby at Graham Road and Drysdale Street.

worksite bus stop and lane closure. No on street parking from G'borough Road to Martins Lane. No right turn in or out of Graham Rd. Lanes closed between Crew St and G’borough Rd.

Pedestrian and cyclist detours will remain in place during these works. Please refer to the February works notice for further details.

Schedule is subject to change. Visit our work notices page for schedule changes. For more information call 1800 105 105 or visit the Hub at 17 Watsonia Road, Watsonia.

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