5 November 2021

Below is a summary of the information in these documents. To read the full documents, open the PDF files. If you require accessible versions of these documents, please request them via our contact us form.

Summary of report

The SRL East Environment Effects Statement (EES) Summary Report provides a summary of the key information available in the SRL East EES.

The SRL East EES describes the existing environment and identifies the benefits and potential impacts during construction and operation and proposes ways to avoid, minimise, offset or manage any significant effects.

The EES summary report includes information about the following topics:

  • The need for SRL East including project benefits
  • Planning for SRL East including the EES process and project approvals
  • Key project features and activities including construction and urban design
  • Above-ground infrastructure including stations, stabling and the emergency support facility
  • Assessing and managing project impacts
  • Community and stakeholder engagement.

The EES summary report is available to read in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Greek. To read the full documents, open the PDF files below. If you require accessible versions of these documents, please request them via our contact us form.

Download the SRL East EES Summary Report

Read our translated reports

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