18 November 2024

The new Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) East station at Clayton will be located north of Carinish Road. To ensure a safe and seamless connection between the new station and the Clayton Activity Centre to the south, a portion of Carinish Road will be permanently closed.

Following careful consideration of community feedback and detailed traffic assessments, the Minister for Planning determined a portion of Carinish Road will remain closed to traffic following the completion of station construction in 2035. This will enable a new pedestrian plaza to be built, ensuring safe access between the new SRL East station and the heart of Clayton to its south.

The decision for Carinish Road to remain closed post - construction is a significant change for the Clayton area. We undertook detailed traffic modelling and then asked the Clayton community for feedback on our preferred option. The Minister considered our assessment and community feedback when making this decision.

Traffic assessment

We examined multiple traffic design options, considering how to maintain access to Clayton Road and minimise impacts to local residents and businesses.

Our assessments found that the permanent closure of a portion of Carinish Road west of Clayton Road to create a new pedestrian plaza, along with modification of the nearby intersection of Clayton Road and Shandeau Avenue, achieves the best outcome for traffic and pedestrian movements.

Traffic modelling of this proposal shows most non-local vehicle traffic will be redirected away from residential streets, ensuring local traffic levels remain similar to existing.

To support this arrangement, Link Road, under the existing elevated rail line between Carinish and Haughton roads, will be maintained and modifications made to local roads to support safe and efficient traffic movements through Clayton.

You can read the Traffic Assessment PDF at our Engage Victoria consultation page.

Community feedback

In October 2023, we gathered community feedback on the proposed permanent closure of this section of Carinish Road. We asked what’s important when moving around Clayton and what we should consider for both a new pedestrian plaza and changes to the intersection at Shandeau Avenue and Clayton Road.

Feedback was captured via an online survey on Engage Victoria, doorknocking local residents and businesses, and calls to our contact centre. The community's feedback was submitted with our Traffic Assessment to the Minister for Planning to help inform their decision.

We thank the community for their valuable feedback which included urging us to create a cooler and greener Clayton, give priority to pedestrians and cyclists, keep accessibility front of mind in station design, and a desire to see Carinish Road remain open to prioritise car traffic.

You can read a summary of all feedback received in the Engagement Report via the link below.

We'll keep you informed of opportunities to have your say as our structure planning to support thoughtful development in Clayton continues.

You can read a summary of all feedback received in the Engagement Report on our Engagement Report page.

Improving access to the new SRL East station at Clayton engagement report

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