17 March 2025
Draft structure plans, draft implementation plans and draft planning scheme amendments for each of the 6 Suburban Rail Loop East (SRL East) precincts (Cheltenham, Clayton, Monash, Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill) are available for public review and feedback from Monday 17 March to Tuesday 22 April 2025.
Background reports and technical reports which informed preparation of the draft planning documents are also available for information and context.
This fact sheet provides a step-by-step guide to making a submission to Suburban Rail Loop Authority.
Step 1
You can view all relevant documents on the Engage Victoria website.
Documents are also available at libraries and council offices along the SRL East alignment.
Relevant documents include:
- Draft structure plans
- Draft implementation plans
- Draft planning scheme amendments
- Background reports
- Technical reports
You can also find out more about how the proposed changes might affect you by using our interactive map or by coming along to an in person or online information session.
You can view the map or register to attend an event here
Once you’ve read the materials, you can decide whether you want to make a formal submission.
Step 2
Anyone can make a submission. A submission is a written statement explaining your views about the proposal and how you may be affected. Only 1 submission from you is needed to address all your views.
Your submission will be a public document. You should not include any personal information that could identify you or other individuals unless you (or they) are happy for that information to be made publicly available. Examples are email addresses, phone numbers or photos of people or property. You should also not include any material authored by another person unless you have their consent.
Key things to include with your submission:
- The relevant amendment number
- Your name and preferred contact details (and if you represent a group)
- The address of the affected property (if applicable)
- Whether you support or oppose any part of the proposed changes and your reasons for this.
Other helpful tips to help you write your submission:
- Structure your ideas so it is easy for the reader to follow and understand. You can do this by using headings, numbering different points, or using dot points.
- Be clear and specific about the matters you want to address. You are encouraged to provide examples or evidence to support your feedback.
- Identify the relevant documents and sections of the relevant documents that may affect you, you are passionate about, or you have ideas about. You do not need to respond to every part of the documentation.
- Be respectful. Submissions will be public documents and those which contain inappropriate or offensive language may be redacted or not accepted.
Step 3
Submissions can be made via the Engage Victoria website from Monday 17 March until 11.59 pm on Tuesday 22 April 2025.
To lodge your submission via Engage Victoria, navigate to the online form at Engage Victoria, click ‘Make a submission’ and follow the prompts. Once you have entered your feedback and attached any supporting documents or materials, click ‘Submit’.
While online submissions are preferred, you may also submit a hard copy submission by posting your submission to:
Suburban Rail Loop Authority
PO Box 21214
Melbourne 3001
All submissions must include the name and address of the person making the submission.
Petitions and pro-forma responses will be treated as a single submission and only the first name from a petition or pro-forma submission will be registered and contacted.
If you are submitting on behalf of an organisation or a number of people, nominate 1 person as the group’s representative. You can choose not to provide an email address. However, this may mean you miss out on important information regarding the process.
Submissions will be treated as public documents and may be published on the Engage Victoria website. Unless you tell us otherwise, SRLA may provide a copy of your submission or any other material you provide to government agencies, decision-makers and other stakeholders as part of the structure planning and planning scheme amendment process.
Your submission will also be considered by the Minister for Planning and may be referred to an Advisory Committee appointed under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
If you have any concerns about the way your personal information or submission or other material will be used, please contact SRLA via email at contact@srla.vic.gov.au or call 1800 105 105.
Once you have made your submission, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt.