3 March 2025

Below is a summary of the information in these documents. To read the full documents, open the PDF files. If you require accessible versions of these documents, please request them via our contact us form.

Summary of SRL East Community Panel - Final Report

This report outlines valuable feedback gathered through a community panel process designed to capture local feedback for Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) to consider as it plans each of the 6 station precincts. Designed in collaboration with SRLA, the panel process was part of a larger engagement effort designed to support and inform the precinct visions and draft structure plans.

Seven panels – one for each precinct and one corridor-wide youth panel – were convened to consider complex challenges associated with the population growth and social and economic development that is expected to occur as a result of the project. Having been engaged through parallel expression of interest and targeted recruitment processes, each panel met four times between March and August 2024.