1 August 2021
Suburban Rail Loop Authority will be a progressive leader that supports sustainable communities and enables great places in sustainable ways. Through our delivery of Suburban Rail Loop, we will help ensure a more liveable Victoria for present and future generations – environmentally, socially and economically.
To achieve this policy, SRLA is committed to:
- Using resources efficiently by embedding energy, water, material and waste reduction initiatives into the
way we work, the places we create and the investments we design, construct and operate - Making a positive contribution to the social, cultural and health and wellbeing of our communities
- Promoting equity, diversity and inclusion and delivering a legacy of skills, learning, expertise and
experience - Supporting the use of recycled and reused materials and considering whole-life impacts and benefits to
maximise the value of resources and services - Playing a part in Victoria achieving its emissions reduction targets
- Planning and building our projects and communities to be climate resilient and prepared, and adaptable
to future climate conditions, trends and demands - Recognising and planning for the diverse needs of future users.
To realise these commitments, our people will:
- Demonstrate leadership in sustainability and integrate sustainability principles into the planning, design,
procurement and decision-making processes for our program of investments - Establish meaningful and practical sustainability objectives and targets that will have impactful outcomes
- Encourage innovation and continuous improvement
- Collaborate with our partners and supply chain to achieve leading sustainability outcomes through our
workforce and the products and services we procure and deliver - Regularly review and critically assess progress against our sustainability commitments
- Be transparent about our sustainability performance and be accountable for meeting our environmental
and social responsibilities - Collaborate with other agencies and authorities, sharing lessons learned and further developing leading