21 September 2021 to 31 December 2022

Between October 2021 and March 2022, the West Gate Tunnel Project team will be undertaking works to build a walking and cycling path along Harris Street. This will be stage one of a two stage build.

The new elevated walking and cycling path will start at the intersection of Cowper Street and Harris Street and continue across Whitehall Street.

While construction is focused along Harris Street, there will also be some activity undertaken in Yarraville Gardens. During this time, the dog park, sporting field, and picnic areas will still be available for use. Signage will be in place to show an alternative path if garden access points are impacted by the works.

We don’t expect the works to be particularly disruptive, however if that changes, we will get in touch with affected households before they begin. You can expect to see large construction machinery in the area.

We will be monitoring the works to maintain acceptable noise levels over their duration.

Some of the main construction activities will include:

  • piling and column construction on Harris Street between Cowper and Whitehall Streets
  • trimming and vegetation management including some tree removal to accommodate for the structure
    being built
  • relocation of utilities along Harris and Whitehall Streets and in Hanmer Reserve (Yarraville Gardens).

Kindred Studios

Kindred Studios and Café will still be open throughout the works period. There will be several access routes available for pedestrians while
loading areas will be available on Whitehall Street and Cowper Street.

Hours of work

We plan to carry out these works during the day; however, some activity may be required at night when there is minimal traffic. Residents and surrounding businesses will be notified of any nightworks before they begin. Works may be rescheduled in the event of unexpected impacts.

Thank you

We appreciate our work can be disruptive and thank you for your understanding.

To learn more about the impacts, or of you have any concerns once the construction activities have commenced, please give the team a call on 1800 105 105 or email us on info@wgta.vic.gov.au.