30 March 2021 to 31 December 2022

Reminder notification

The West Gate Tunnel Project team will continue installing concrete noise wall panels after the Easter break at the Millers Road outbound on ramp (adjacent to Paringa Road).

The noise wall panel installation will take approximately six weeks to complete from 12 April until end of May 2021 and will be undertaken at night.

On the nights the works take place, to safely install the panels, the Millers Road outbound entry ramp will be closed. A detour will be in place via the West Gate Freeway and Williamstown Road.

What to expect during these works

  • works will be carried out at night, between 9pm and 5am, Monday to Sunday. This is so we can safely install the noise wall panels while the freeway on ramp is closed
  • construction vehicles will be moving in and out of the work area at night
  • low level noise at night from lifting and installing the concrete panels, however works aren’t anticipated to be disruptive to nearby residents
  • the main access to the installation site will be via the freeway
  • ramp closure will be required. The latest traffic updates are available at westgatetunnelproject.vic.gov.au/traveldisruptions

Location of noise wall panels (see map in PDF).

The new noise walls will be around 8 to 9m high. In some sections, they will be topped with pale blue and green coloured acrylic panels. Where space permits, planting will be used to screen the noise walls.

The new noise walls will provide you much better protection from freeway noise than the old noise walls. They have been designed to achieve a daytime average noise level of 63dB(A) at nearby houses, which will mean a significant reduction in noise levels for many residents.

Please note that works are subject to change and could be rescheduled in the event of unexpected impacts to the construction program.

If you have any questions about these night works or want to get in touch with the project team, please contact us on 1800 105 105.

For updates and more information about our works please visit the West Gate Tunnel Project website.