9 July 2024

Update - Extension of works

We’ll be working 24/7 from 9pm Tuesday 16 July to 5am Sunday 18 August, including weekends.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Our team will work to minimise impacts as much as possible.

Updated Notification

What we’ll be doing

The North Yarra Main Sewer was diverted as part of construction of the project’s outbound tunnel, as TBM Bella made its way through the old North Yarra Main Sewer alignment.

With tunnelling complete, we are now working to construct a new permanent access hole and sewer connection, as part of the North Yarra Main Sewer realignment.

The worksite will be located at the corner of Whitehall Street and Somerville Road, where the maintenance access point is located.

To complete these works, Somerville Road westbound between Whitehall Street and Hyde Street will be closed 24/7 from 9pm Tuesday 16 July to Sunday 18 August, including weekends.

Detours for the closure are highlighted in the map.

Whitehall Street northbound will also need to be closed overnight between Hall Street and Somerville Road in mid-July for set up, and mid-August for pack down.

Existing heavy vehicle regulations and truck bans will still apply during these works.

What to expect

Somerville Road westbound between Whitehall and Hyde Streets will be fully closed from 9pm Tuesday 16 July to 5am Sunday 18 August.

The right turn from Somerville Road eastbound to Whitehall Street southbound will be fully closed.Two lanes along Whitehall Street northbound at the intersection with Somerville Road will be closed 24/7 during this time.

Overnight closures for site set up and pack up:

Whitehall Street northbound between Hall Street and Somerville Road will be fully closed overnight from:

  • 9pm Tuesday 16 July to 5am Wednesday 17 July; and
  • 9pm Saturday 10 August to 5am Sunday 18 August.

Cyclists and pedestrians:

  • These works require the closure of the western pedestrian crossing on Somerville Road.
  • Pedestrian access will be maintained across Somerville Road on the eastern side of Whitehall Street.
  • The westbound on-road cycle lane on Somerville Road will be closed from Whitehall Street to Hyde Street.
  • The footpaths on Somerville Road will remain open.
  • Please download the map for further details.

More information

We appreciate our work can be disruptive and thank you for your understanding. Works may be rescheduled in the event of unexpected impacts.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the project, call us on 1800 105 105, 24 hours a day. Sign up for regular project updates at westgatetunnelproject.vic.gov.au/subscribe

Impact Date *Dates subject to change

24/7 construction noise including:

  • Drilling and excavation.
  • Concrete reconstruction and reinstatement works.
  • Work trucks being used on site.

Minor vibration may occur during our work. We’ll be closely monitoring vibration at all times.

16 July– 18 August
Night-time lighting to keep our working areas safe and secure.
Lighting will be angled away from homes whenever possible while we are working at night.
16 July– 18 August
Construction vehicle movements in the area, 24/7, including:
  • Various sized vehicles.
  • Construction materials transportation.
16 July– 18 August
Somerville Road lane closures:

Continuous closure of westbound lanes on Somerville Road between Whitehall and Hyde streets.

Whitehall Street lane closures:

Continuous double-lane closure of Whitehall Street at the intersection of Somerville Road.

Northbound travel and right-turn movements into Somerville Road are maintained.

16 July– 18 August

Overnight closures for set up/pack up

Northbound closure of Whitehall Street between Hall Street and Somerville Road during set up/pack down shifts from:

  • 9pm Tuesday 16 July
  • 5am Wednesday 17 July.
  • 9pm Saturday 10 August – 5am Sunday 18 August
16 July – 17 July and 10 August -18 August