23 February 2023

Building the new bridges over the Maribyrnong River

As part of the West Gate Tunnel Project, we’re continuing to build the new bridges over the Maribyrnong River. These bridges will support the main carriageway and the entry and exit ramps from Mackenzie Road to the West Gate Tunnel.

What to expect and when

As part of construction of the new bridges, there will be intermittent full closures of the Maribyrnong River south of Shepherd Bridge during the day. These closures are required in order to construct the bridges ensuring the safety of river users.

If river access is required, please contact the East Zone team at  1800 105 105 , or via email at info@wgta.vic.gov.au and they will be able to work with you to help facilitate access, where possible.


River closure.

This section of the river will not be accessible when the closure is in place

Download the notification to view a map of the affected area.

Intermittently until August 2023.

If the weather is poor, or there are any unexpected events, we may need to reschedule these works.

Thank you

We appreciate our work can be disruptive and thank you for your patience and understanding as we carry out this construction.

Works may be rescheduled in the event of unexpected impacts.

We thank you for your continued patience an understanding as we complete these works.

For updates or questions, please call 1800 105 105, email us at info@wgta.vic.gov.au or visit West Gate Tunnel Project.