Mordialloc will be boom gate free by 2026, with the updated designs for the project – which will get rid of 3 dangerous and congested bayside level crossings and build a new premium station – released today.
As part of the project, a new elevated premium station will be built in the heart of Mordialloc and will feature modern facilities, all-abilities access, improved lighting, public spaces and landscaping. Entrances at both ends will make accessing the station easier and more convenient.
The existing Mordialloc Station building, as well as the historic water tower, will take pride of place in the new station precinct with extensive planting of trees, plants and shrubs in the area.
Removing the level crossings at McDonald Street, Mordialloc and Station Street, Aspendale with 2 new rail bridges, will deliver more reliable journeys for locals, with the boom gates currently down for a third of the morning peak.
The project will deliver local street improvements, including upgrading the roundabout where McDonald Street meets Nepean Highway, adding a new slip lane to allow traffic to merge seamlessly. South of Mordialloc Creek, a new roundabout will keep traffic moving between Station Street and Pine Crescent, providing smooth access to a new link road that will connect Station Street to Nepean Highway.
A level crossing-free McDonald Street and these improvements to local streets will allow for the closure of the Bear Street level crossing, helping create a vibrant station precinct with safe access for pedestrians and cyclists.
Feedback from the community has informed the updated designs, including helping shape a station precinct which celebrates the local character with native planting, colours, and materials which will reflect Mordialloc’s close connection to the beach and bayside identity.
To view the updated designs and to find out more about the project, join us online or in person.