Accessing the new Pakenham and East Pakenham stations

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We’ve removed the boom gates at Main Street, McGregor Road and Racecourse Road for good, making journeys more reliable for 63,000 vehicles each weekday.

Your 2 new stations at Pakenham and East Pakenham open on Monday 3 June. This article provides helpful tips and information for getting around your new stations.

How to access Pakenham Station

Train services

Train services resume at Pakenham Station from Monday 3 June, with the first city-bound service departing at 4.08am.


Passengers will access the city bound platform via stairs and a lift. Platform 2, the East Pakenham-bound platform will have temporary stairs. For those who require a lift or ramp access we will be running a shuttle bus between Cardinia Road Station and Pakenham Station.

Bike parking

Parkiteer and bike hoops will be available.

Car parking

If you drive and park at the station, approximately 110 car spaces will be available in the existing north car park, accessed via Station Street.

Approximately 120 spaces will be available in the new south car park off Bald Hill Road. Works continue on the southern car park to complete the new 450 space car park, fully open in spring.

Pick up and drop off

Pick up and drop off is open on the south side of the station with access off Bald Hill Road.

Bus passengers

Existing bus stops and routes will continue to be operate as normal with a new bus interchange opening in spring.


myki readers and machines will be available at the station. Passengers can also purchase and top up mykis at the new station ticket office. If you’d like to top up before the station opens, visit the PTV website.


There will be temporary bathrooms at the stations as works continue until in spring.

How to access East Pakenham Station

Train services

Train services begin at East Pakenham from Monday 3 June, with the first city-bound service departing at 4.05am.


There are 2 entrances to the station underpass accessible from the car park on Ryan Road and Sharnet Circuit.

Bike parking

Parkiteer and bike hoops will be available.

Car parking

If you drive and park at the station, 300 car spaces will be available in the new car park, accessed via Ryan Road.

Pick up and drop off

Pick up and drop off is open on the north side of the station with access off Ryan Road.


myki readers and machines will be available at the station. If you’d like to top up before the station opens, visit the PTV website.

Visit the PTV website or our Main StreetMcGregor Road and Racecourse Road Level Crossing Removal Project pages for more information.

Level Crossing Removal Main Street, PakenhamMcGregor Road, PakenhamRacecourse Road, Pakenham