Beaconsfield beam milestone has lift-off

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Beaconsfield’s Station Street level crossing removal project has marked a major milestone, with crews lifting in the final beams for the new road bridge.

The 37 giant beams are being installed on the southern side of the rail line, providing an ideal vantage point for commuters and members of the community keen to see how a road bridge is constructed.

The beams, each weighing about 61 tonnes, have been delivered to site overnight to minimise traffic disruption, and are being lifted into place by a 650 tonne crane.

When completed, the 427m road bridge will have 52 beams in total, spanning the rail line and connecting Beaconsfield Avenue to Kenilworth Avenue.

The beam lifts follow a recent 2 week construction blitz to build the new roundabout at the intersection of Station Street, Beaconsfield Avenue and Goff Street, which will connect to the road bridge when the Station Street level crossing removal project is completed in 2025.

To celebrate the construction milestones, a free community event with children’s activities and free food and coffee will be held at Beaconsfield Station car park from 9.30am, Saturday 9 November. A student artwork display will also be unveiled on the day.

Removing the Station Street level crossing will improve safety and ease congestion for drivers who face lengthy delays when the boom gates are down for almost a third of the morning peak.

Getting rid of these boom gates will also help to make the Pakenham Line level crossing free in 2025 and, together with the Metro Tunnel, will allow more trains to run on the line.

Level Crossing Removal Station Street, Beaconsfield